Bass Music Charts, Week #21 / 2022 prev next ERTH006 – NECKBREAK erthboy 1 Bass Music dubstephard traphybrid trap 0:01:01 60 810 2022-04-26 Favorite Share Remix Of Sound Mind astrel 2 Bass Music 0:02:48 48 471 2022-05-14 Favorite Share infekt style 2 T S 3 Bass Music riddimdubstep145 0:00:48 43 424 2022-04-30 Favorite Share DUN DUN bRRR erthboy 4 Bass Music machine gun attemptbrrr 0:00:14 19 183 2022-04-30 Favorite Share Remix VIRUX - ABOMINATION virux 5 Bass Music dubstepriddimalbumviruxsky fracture 0:03:41 30 201 2022-05-11 Favorite Share is dubstep a thing still? cleb 6 Bass Music dubstep 0:00:54 74 895 2022-04-09 Favorite Share VIRUX - SKY FRACTURE [album version] virux 7 Bass Music dubstepmidtempocinematicalbumviruxsky fracture 0:04:42 16 95 2022-05-11 Favorite Share WAR (OFFICIAL) Azonix 8 Bass Music 0:02:16 17 167 2022-05-14 Favorite Share Remix Before 200 TubeD's and after 200 TubeD's Movriel 9 Bass Music 0:00:16 18 131 2022-05-01 Favorite Share