Bass Music Charts, Week #4 / 2022 prev next SELFSKYLINE [Client Remix] client alt 1 Bass Music 0:04:48 77 1416 2021-12-31 Favorite Share At the edge of the horizon [Client's AT Day Entry] Clientmas 2 Bass Music dnbsoundtrackheis perc onlystorydystopianat day 2021 0:03:31 180 3529 2021-12-22 Favorite Share Remix sinusoidal Stormdrain 3 Bass Music dubstep 0:01:20 34 368 2022-01-01 Favorite Share Remix Rukh [ATD21] Snio 4 Bass Music experimentalrukhatd21sniobass 0:05:08 53 486 2021-12-12 Favorite Share Remix Might make this a full track Clientmas 5 Bass Music riddim 0:00:56 22 242 2022-01-09 Favorite Share Snowcone - ATD21 Affinitii 6 Bass Music colour bassfuture riddimatdatd21atd2021atday 0:03:00 23 196 2022-01-09 Favorite Share Remix VIRUX - SKY FRACTURE [contest version] virux 7 Bass Music atd21dubstep 0:05:31 44 436 2021-12-15 Favorite Share Remix what vulkron stans hear vs what he actually posted [Project Epsi relative mAJOR 8 Bass Music dream of audiotool 0:00:17 55 459 2021-02-26 Favorite Share Remix Perdition x Client - Fallout ClientmasPerdition 9 Bass Music ambiencedarkcrazyheavyminatorydark ambient 0:04:15 45 489 2022-01-16 Favorite Share nate eated my panda express !!! kuatari 10 Bass Music 0:00:39 15 122 2022-01-12 Favorite Share Remix