Bass Music Charts, Week #19 / 2021 prev next Killer ØutOfBounds 1 Bass Music spoopy80s2spoopy4mesynthwavefockoob 0:04:52 174 7264 2021-04-11 Favorite Share Remix attack of the wub Affinitii 2 Bass Music 0:01:51 58 959 2021-04-16 Favorite Share ANK x MOOSEY (Entry) erthboy 3 Bass Music ankedmhardstyledubstephardhiphoprapacapellatrap900 followershybrid traprawstylecontest2021hard trapheavymooseybasscompetition 0:03:12 83 1091 2021-05-03 Favorite Share Remix KVMZOK x GRIMME - S.O.H.F Pnökka 4 Bass Music minatorykvmzokgrimme 0:01:54 32 263 2021-05-04 Favorite Share Remix Thunderstruck Werbs 5 Bass Music electro house 0:04:56 27 235 2021-04-16 Favorite Share Remix