allmonthweektoday populardaterelevant 1 Sawed Off Jugo 2.0 uncategorized phonktrap808 0:03:41 9 110 2016-08-17 Favorite Share Remix 2 'Smexy Saw Lead' Presets are Publicly Available!!! XyPhr 10 Other presetdistorted leadxyphrinternet yamerosmexy saw 0:00:41 25 166 2023-08-10 Favorite Share Remix 3 KIB / GSP / LDN - RE!DYRECTOR(sawfly remix) sawfly Bass Music 0:04:00 1 16 2021-10-06 Favorite Share Remix 4 KIB / GSP / LDN - RE!DYRECTOR(sawfly remix) (vip) sawfly Bass Music vip 0:06:00 1 9 2021-10-07 Favorite Share Remix 5 Games - Icebox & MoMo (ft. wvstend & breezy) Icebox▽Momo▽桃. 1 Bass Music momospeedrunleadenshrewbreezytrapcollabhybrid trapiceboxvocalsskrillextopthisbitchessssswvstendbwowheadbang 0:02:48 183 4409 2021-05-06 Favorite Share 6 Saw lead TOMORROWNAND uncategorized 0:03:32 2 1037 2012-08-24 Favorite Share Remix 7 Skrillex Square Bass 'n' Sawtooth Leads Maxd91239 uncategorized leadmaxdscaryminsawtoothnicemonsterssquare1leadsskrillex91239bassandspritesremix 0:04:10 1 44 2013-08-24 Favorite Share Remix 8 my first saw work DUBS uncategorized deep sawsub bass 0:00:51 8 73 2015-09-26 Favorite Share Remix 9 Vulkron x Stagefright (fail) VulkronSTAGEFRIGHT uncategorized failedmsfcollabhousestagefright 0:01:30 113 1453 2016-03-05 Favorite Share Remix 10 EPM: Electric Piano Music?!? xD Malachi Baker uncategorized edmsawhardcoreepm?!?xdhypersawleadsawlead 0:01:31 4 228 2016-03-21 Favorite Share Remix 11 EW THAT KICK DRUM Inavon EDM cheesélolunoriginaloverusedno synthsthatedmall samplesewdrumbad samplekicknoobcheesytf basskick 0:03:31 177 3316 2014-02-27 Favorite Share Remix 12 Hard Feather Pillows Inavon Trance trancehard 0:04:57 57 1368 2011-04-03 Favorite Share Remix 13 A colorful world with closed eyes Aron uncategorized sawtrancyhappybeatelectrohousy 0:03:23 18 107 2013-07-27 Favorite Share Remix 14 Fluorescent Dr Rhythym REMIX {dead} ☁ uncategorized tranceleadbigsawsharpchillbassbadazroom 0:05:41 11 75 2015-11-22 Favorite Share Remix 15 Synthonix's Remix Competition! [Results!] synthonix uncategorized remixcompetitonresults 0:00:31 112 1951 2015-06-18 Favorite Share Remix 16 Noisine Inavon Trance noisesinetrancekarplus-strong 0:05:41 101 1145 2015-02-22 Favorite Share Remix 17 Tips: Big chord stacks Archon uncategorized 2015tutorialtipsswaggeryey 0:01:24 67 934 2015-02-01 Favorite Share Remix 18 Ignite XculE uncategorized echossubbassdubstepmelodiclead 0:04:41 15 150 2016-03-09 Favorite Share Remix 19 Loom Rhapsody Løøm 1 Pop rockindiefunkfuture bass 0:02:31 64 1607 2024-11-22 Favorite Share Remix 20 Retro Electro Uprising uncategorized uprising 0:08:20 165 4057 2012-09-30 Favorite Share Remix 21 This Ain't No Sample Bar! Giraffic uncategorized leadstepdubstepsawsynthtriangledropkickdrumdubheavynewbassyoy 0:04:30 7 128 2012-06-16 Favorite Share 22 Chevron (Soundquake Remix) SOUNDQUAKE uncategorized leadurban contactsweepsawelectrosynthhousehatswipbassairsupersawchevroncomplextro 0:01:35 6 54 2015-09-19 Favorite Share Remix 23 Navor & Ten Skies - Little Ghosts Azzect 4 uncategorized ghostslovespookymelodic dubsteppeacefulchillstepdubstep140relaxnavorchill 0:03:08 66 483 2015-09-16 Favorite Share Remix 24 Paranoid Cliqy uncategorized basssynthsdubstepmelodichauntinggorestep 0:02:54 6 90 2011-11-06 Favorite Share Remix 25 Beyond Stratos CRXYNLe Voile 2 EDM experimentalupbeathappyhouseelectrohouse hopother 0:04:18 90 1088 2020-12-31 Favorite Share Remix 26 Utopia Belody uncategorized leaddubstepbelodyprogressionsawsynthbillyelectronichouseprogressivestardustbassglitch hopoccleshaw 0:02:19 5 50 2014-01-06 Favorite Share Remix 27 Shattered dez uncategorized squaresoothingmelodyreleaseawesomegreatheavyambienttrapstuffsawrelaxingsongofficiallongphonerazihelbrokenbasssupertagshappy2subhi:3christmasintensesmoothnewsupersawlowextremeleaddropcoolminutestriangle 0:04:22 10 286 2015-12-28 Favorite Share Remix 28 Bass Heads In The State Of Their Own Vocodal Trance Slim MagnitoVisteria1 3 Trance 142closed hatvocoderdetunecarrier synthmodulationbpm9-band vocoder142 bpmkickkicksopen hatlead synthhi-band passthroughhatsarpssaw synthsnaresjubilantmaximum energyboppinbuild-upminute time dilationmy voice samplevocals 0:05:10 2 82 2022-07-31 Favorite Share 29 Vulkron-Fluorescent BEASTY RECORDS uncategorized tranceleadbigsawsharpchillbassbadazroom 0:05:41 2 37 2015-11-18 Favorite Share Remix 30 Himalaya Prospect (start) DJ G-rexGaraxy uncategorized himalayadanceelectronic dance musicawesomeelectroedmdj g-rexpanheavendiscog-rexprogressivedjbasssubflutehouseprospectchillstring 0:00:59 19 308 2015-11-24 Favorite Share 31 New World Order Audio M.D. uncategorized dnbaudio m.d. 0:04:48 29 512 2012-03-24 Favorite Share Remix 32 Supersaw Tutorial Werbs uncategorized supersaws 0:01:15 17 275 2015-12-04 Favorite Share Remix