allmonthweektoday populardaterelevant 1 Morning! Mew Tech99 1 EDM fl studiolooplabshardcoresoundation (freemium)amped studio 0:05:26 67 1288 22 days ago Favorite Share 2 Hardcore Roach The Rebellion uncategorized uprisingthe alchemist 0:04:17 17 328 2012-01-11 Favorite Share Remix 3 MUTED etterathkiariGravidonXculE3ZE1trillionMPHpo9tTJ the Mom Treater 1 Other countrypenis musiccocknoise 0:12:12 287 8658 2021-03-13 Favorite Share Remix 4 Rotten ( Dubstep ) Uprising 2 uncategorized dubstephardcoreuprising 0:03:18 207 6772 2012-09-13 Favorite Share Remix 5 Awaken. [VIP] synthonix 5 Future Bass vipcheeky afkeychange 0:02:13 366 11721 2016-10-06 Favorite Share Remix 6 Happy Birthday To Me! (Lazy Hardcore Remix <3) XyPhr 5 Hardcore smooth and crunchyremixhappycore 0:02:30 21 149 2022-04-23 Favorite Share 7 Happy and Hardcore goes together. [250] Aringrey Hardcore vulkronuksrphappy hardcoreuuk hard corevulkrondidn'thelpwiththishappy hardcore vulkron aringrey vulkrondidn'thelpwiththis uk ukhardcore ukhardcore u k uok? breakbeat bass srp melody fast veryfast heckyeah hopeyouenjoythisguysheckyeahhardcorebreakbeathappymelodyaringreyenjoyfastbassuok?very fastk 0:02:39 14 211 2016-10-26 Favorite Share Remix 8 hardcore compo ,drawing include Asclepeion uncategorized ambiance 0:02:30 12 107 2011-12-18 Favorite Share Remix 9 [this is a contest] future chords hardcore AringreyArin the Grey Other 0:00:23 11 361 2017-03-03 Favorite Share Remix 10 I won't ever be Technikore. Aringrey Hardcore amuksos3rljtsemotionnothardihopefullyhardcoreyoumethinknotcorearingreyenjoyi won't ever be technikorecorenerdno 0:03:02 10 185 2016-11-12 Favorite Share Remix 11 Hardstyle Sound Design Werbs Hardcore hardstyle 0:00:51 16 280 2017-02-14 Favorite Share Remix 12 GIVE ME YOUR SOUL! Krunk uncategorized guitarhardheavyhardcoremetalsatan 0:03:32 11 226 2012-03-12 Favorite Share Remix 13 Spoopy Remix by Aringrey Aringrey Hardcore hardcorenot hard 0:01:49 8 87 2016-11-12 Favorite Share Remix 14 Breaking the fix GreenscoffRoy ↨ 4 Drum & Bass drum and bassbreakcorehardcore 0:01:50 50 491 2021-07-06 Favorite Share 15 Tsunami (Finished) Faux uncategorized entropyhardcore dnb2-dayhardcorednbdrum & bass 0:04:38 10 167 2014-07-05 Favorite Share Remix 16 Harder to breathe (wip) Gilgamesh 5 Rock hardcore 0:02:09 46 568 2023-02-07 Favorite Share Remix 17 Possessed Hunters (FNaF Song) EscapingReality 6 EDM fivenightsatfreddysnerdydnb dropfanmade song2023nerdcorefanoctoberhorrorescapingrealityhalloweenoctober 2023fnaffan songdrumnbassgamehardcore 0:05:13 16 234 2023-10-27 Favorite Share 18 joVee & Perdition <3 Stormdrain Bass Music idkjoveeloudsomething shorthardcoreperdition 0:00:38 9 36 2019-08-13 Favorite Share Remix 19 Audiotool Day 2016 - Aringrey Entry v.1.2 Aringrey Hardcore ukfxnotchiptuneanymoreravehardcoreyouhappypartymelodyenjoybassmelodiccompetitionthank 0:04:04 16 316 2016-11-19 Favorite Share Remix 20 Dimensions Nightshade_Mangle Hardcore bassnotfnf 0:02:35 4 41 2021-06-30 Favorite Share Remix 21 Aringrey - motives Aringrey Hardcore hardukifyoureadthistype"#clusterduck"intothechathardcorehappycorenotmybest 0:03:54 7 171 2017-10-12 Favorite Share Remix 22 Sweg Boy Bootleg Shit DJ Pāvment uncategorized breakstrapdnbhardcorebootlegso_many_damn_tagsneurofunkbreakbeatwubsdrum and basscrapremix 0:03:25 10 209 2017-03-25 Favorite Share Remix 23 Lost In Space (Werbs Remix Clip) Werbs Hardcore hardstylehardcore 0:00:49 32 510 2017-11-30 Favorite Share Remix 24 Dusk [Not yet done] MoltnNinja MusicDragos_11 Techno electronicagd musicdubstepdub technoaccomplishedhardcorehard-technoelectro 0:02:45 6 39 2023-02-27 Favorite Share Remix 25 INSTRUMENTAL - Possessed Hunters (FNaF Song) EscapingReality 7 EDM fivenightsatfreddysnerdydnb dropfanmade song2023nerdcorefanoctoberhorrorescapingrealityhalloweeninstrumentaloctober 2023fnaffan songdrumnbassgamehardcore 0:05:13 8 131 2023-10-27 Favorite Share 26 Harry Potter Theme (WOLFEYE Remix) WOLFEYE Bass Music dubstephardcoredubheavynewharry potterelectrobasshard stepremix 0:01:21 40 415 2020-12-10 Favorite Share Remix 27 I won't ever be Technikore. [DJ EDIT] Arin the Grey Hardcore amuksos3rljtsemotionnothardihopefullyhardcoreyoumethinknotcorearingreyenjoyi won't ever be technikorecorenerdno 0:04:19 3 106 2016-11-12 Favorite Share Remix 28 Common Denominator (ItsBuddha Remix) ItsBuddha uncategorized belieberrapitsbuddhatraphair flipwhateverjustin biebercommon denominatorgrinded my gearsim not gayso hard to pitchremixehrmahgehrd 0:03:49 6 229 2014-08-13 Favorite Share Remix 29 Hivemind Aringrey Hardcore dirtynotcleanukaringeryyoautomationhardcoreshoegazingthistookmewaytoolongukhardcoreu khappyhappyhardcorearingreybassaringray 0:03:18 8 151 2016-09-11 Favorite Share Remix 30 A Dark Legacy Stormdrain Hardcore snaredeathdubstep<3destructivebrutalnot-trapdarkhardcoredropcreepysubwoofer-checksubwooferbassheavy-bassdestructive-bassheavy 321 0:04:34 8 84 2018-09-02 Favorite Share Remix 31 around yu Aringrey Hardcore ukhardcorehappyyouknowwhatigiveupontagscauseidontthinktheymatter 0:03:03 17 149 2016-10-16 Favorite Share Remix 32 nuts [aringrey contest entry] Aringrey Hardcore notalotofbassimfuckingshitcompfreeatngoodnightineedsleephardcore300toomuchbassremix 0:02:22 4 100 2017-01-27 Favorite Share Remix