• featured artist

Featured Artist: Sila

  • 32
  • 84

Sila already made a name for himself a few years ago with wacky HQ Lofi House tracks, which did not rely exclusively on the use of modified samples, as is quite common in the genre. He then finally became a star on Audiotool with his experimental tracks, which one would almost like to present as sound sculptures at art exhibitions. Whatever he does there is technically difficult to comprehend, even for experienced musicians, it takes you sonically into worlds that don't always seem to be that comfortable. But whatever he delivers, it is always massive.


About sila :

I was born in Russia later on as a kid moved to Europe. I guess I could say I have been with Audiotool since late 2009. I never knew how the music is made, I had no idea whatsoever and I started doing some internet search and right away Audiotool was the first thing I started discovering. During the first tracks of mine that I was making on Audiotool I had such a terrible internet connection, I couldn't publish my tracks. So I recorded them with audacity straight from the studio and even that was a pain in the a$$ because if during recording it glitched ( and it did a lot ) I had to record again :)) I managed to find a track that is one of my first tracks that I made on Audiotool. It was done with only samples just glued them together with no effects whatsoever. Audiotracks, kobolt, output, that's it. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1BjF2UQ8XsCTg_6J_BBSdDT7kIA2aDqgu/view?usp=drivesdk

My most favorite style ( musicwise ) is Lofi House music. My father was an alcohol addict and a criminal. When I was a little kid I used to walk in his room. He would be smoking cigarettes drinking coffee and listening to some old house cassettes on a audio system called " radiotehnika ". I still remember that dirty sound. All those imperfections and scratches. I loved that music so much that I would use any chance to walk in my fathers room to listen to it. Back then it was a normal music playback. Today it is called - LoFi.

Which artist has had the most influence on you (on and/or outside Audiotool)?

Audiotool : VLTRA and VOYD. Outside : KALX and LINKWOOD. There is no question why VLTRA and why VOYD. They are pioneers at LoFi house music which is my most beloved genre. I listen to their older audiotool tunes daily. No one can touch them. LINKWOOD is a GENIUS when it comes to producing simple and BIG tunes at the same time. Just listen to " love lost " track. It will never get old. Every time you listen to it feels like the first time. KALX is an IDM music God. Some of my tracks particularly - streaming data and signals / machine gun kill you nezhno are inspired by his sounds. They are not IDM of course but LoFi. What I am willing to achieve in the future is combine weirdness and LoFi music. Intelligent LoFi house genre anyone?? ))

Who would you like to work /collaborate with on and outside Audiotool, and why?

I defo have to get a collab down with Roy, that guy is doing wonders with LoFi genre. Also I would love to collab with Dzool, he is the only Phonk/Lofi master on AT well atleast I don't know any other person on AT who has achieved the sound design of his. If he comes back to Audiotool of course. We should defo get some experimental weirdness down with Nico as well because who else if not Nico? :)

Outside Audiotool it would be two people stated above - Linkwood and Kalx.

Which film/game would you like to produce the score for or contribute a song to?

Aha.... GTA? Sila LoFi radio station in the car while ur doing a mission?

Have you ever had a writer's block? If so, how did you deal with it and what do you recommend to your colleagues?

Sure thing. I found out the best way to deal with it is take any track of yours which you like and feel proud of and recycle it. Just hit the remix button and start turning knobs. You will realize you can make hundreds of tracks out of one track through recycling the sounds and it will boost your creativity. When the block is too big, just don't produce but listen instead.

What has helped you the most on Audiotool to improve and widen your musical horizon?

Gonna be short on this one - inspecting other people tracks if remix is provided. No other way around it. And then practice, practice, practice.

What do you like most about Audiotool? Is there anything you would like to suggest?

I don't know why but Audiotool has that - at the comfort of your home - feeling. It is so friendly and everything feels so familiar. Only thing I will suggest is health to the AT team that codes this wonderful place. Everything else will come and go. Being healthy is being wealthy.

Your message to the community:

Ableton is not going to make you pro. It's about you and how you use the stuff provided :) You can have the best tool in the world, but there will always be atleast one AT user that will smoke you nevertheless. So don't bi*ch about it honey :*


Thanks Sila for putting this cool album together for us

Track #1:

flower loop by VLTRA

This is not the biggest banger of VLTRA of course, but somehow it is on my all-time TOP list. I keep coming back to this track very frequently for all these 3 years since it was published. It has some frequencies that just trigger me. I can't explain what it is but this track makes me think about the past it brings me memories and also it makes me think about the future - visualize it. I guess sometimes you don't need to get an answer to a question why you like particular things in your life, you just live with it.


Track #2:

Tetrilax by Jetdarc

This track changed the way I see Jetdarc and the way how I look at AT in general, i.e - what can be done here. After listening to this track, tell me that you can't make mind-blowing PRO tracks on AT and you need Ableton? It is not about the tools, it's about you in the first place. If you have personal problems you blame it on Audiotool thinking that another DAW is gonna make you any better. I am absolutely blown away every time I listen.


Track #3:

]push (how do) by nico

This is a great example of NOISE being gorgeous. Nico's noise tracks are one of a kind to me and I am glad we have such artists on AT.


Track #4:

peace 4 luv by emre girginkaya (voyd)

This is the right representation of LO-FI house. Whenever someone asks me - you doing lo-fi on AT? What can you even do there? - I always give them the link to this track and there are no questions left. Can something come even close to this at all?


Track #5:

sonar converter by WPX and gauze

WidePixel has always been one of my favorite artists. This track completely proved it to me. Masterpiece! Not sure why people pass on such golden tunes and turn more to the shitposts. We are and will degrade as time goes by but we shouldn't do it at such speeds and still appreciate tracks like these.


Track #6:

datastructures by sila

Although I have deleted tons of music that maybe would represent me better I think I should go with this not as much as a representation of my best work but more a track that was a turning point when it comes to audiotool effects. This track, later on, was a reason for "Inclusive data" to be made which is another level of Audiotool resampling in my personal opinion as well as any other track afterwards where people just ask - HOW? listening to all those mind-blowing effects. It is the biggest most complex IDM track on AT and it is the actual groundwork of new level effects on Audiotool.


The album in it's full awesomeness

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  • audiotool chad

  • Dude




  • I'm pretty sure @Dzool is @hvd -- might be wrong tho. But you're right - absolute master at his craft

    And so are you man!!!!! Congrats!

    • i remember this guy, we used to live in the same city

      no idea what he's up to these days though

    • im actually illiterate. i could have just went to their wall to see this LOL. thanks for the correction m8

    2 more
  • You deserve this bro <3

  • anybody else see different weights on his bar? or is it just me?

    • Sure. Makes sense 🤣

  • wagmi

  • I like your message to the community.

  • He really looks like a character from a movie what? AND he's russian... goodness, scary man

    • 🤣

    • No no you look like the villain driving in a dodge charger and holding a large weight bc he can

    • Too sad they didn't invite me to a " Kung Fury " movie as the main character. I would take down Hitler way faster than the main movie character did.

    2 more
  • Бля, внатуре Сила

  • ahh Tetrilax, my favorite Jetdarc track

    • agree on that answer to the fifth question, that had helped me out a lot as well starting out, learning the functions,etc.

  • looking at the pic again, doesn't even feel like something you took yourself- it literally feels like an edited screenshot of some movie, the atmosphere and saturation gives off such a feel

    3 more
  • Love that you are featured.

  • you look like a COD character in this pic bro !;)