• laevent
  • featured artist

Featured Artist: Laevent

  • 36
  • 36

Laevent's sound is always to the point, fresh, experimental and perfectly produced. Despite the appropriate hardness of their tracks, they are always good to listen to and simply have to inspire every music lover because of the originality and the quality of the crisp productions. Definitely one of the greats.


About LAEVENT labs ⚡️ :

(pronouns they/them) I am from southern Louisiana. I've been on audiotool for about 6-7 years now. I'm non-binary, and my biggest passion is my experimental take on music. I like many different styles and genres, but my favorite one is what is now known as digicore. It combines pop and rap music with electronic and experimental elements, giving its artists the ability to sneak new ideas and sounds into familiar styles. Many digicore artists also use vocal effects to express their identity, which is leading to more non-binary and trans artists gaining acceptance within the music industry.

Which artist has had the most influence on you (on and/or outside Audiotool)?

Michael Jackson was the first artist I ever listened to on my own terms as a kid, and I believe that is responsible for all of the musicianship I developed afterwards. I would go through his albums on YouTube and listen to as much of his material as I possibly could, and that's where my passion for music began.

Who would you like to work /collaborate with on and outside Audiotool, and why?

I've wanted to work with qulan for a while, and we may be having a collaboration soon. Qulan is a singer and rapper who has time and time again proven that he knows what he's doing on the mic. He can jump between different styles of music with ease, demonstrating his refusal to be boxed into a single type of sound.

Which film/game would you like to produce the score for or contribute a song to?

If there was any game I would like to contribute a song to, it's Spark the Electric Jester. It's a game series made by Feperd Games, who started out releasing sonic fan games on the internet. The soundtracks for his games actually inspired me in making a lot of my music as well.

Have you ever had a writer's block? If so, how did you deal with it and what do you recommend to your colleagues?

I've had writer's block many times in the past. In my opinion, I feel like artist block happens when you try to force the music out of yourself. Whenever I feel like I'm having artist block, I try to stop forcing a specific direction within my music or within my sounds, and try to make music freeform. It doesn't have to follow any exact rules or standards. Eventually I'll catch myself in the process and end up making something interesting.

What has helped you the most on Audiotool to improve and widen your musical horizon?

The thing that helped me most to improve and widen my musical horizon on audiotool is listening to various types of music on the website and collaborating with other artists. Doing so allowed me to open up to different sound selections and techniques I wouldn't have learned about otherwise.

What do you like most about Audiotool? Is there anything you would like to suggest?

I like that Audiotool is a free platform that emulates the look of a live rig. The design of the app makes it really easy for anyone that's new to the site to begin learning the ins and outs of music production, while simultaneously helping them learn how to use a live rig. If there was anything that I would suggest Audiotool to add, I would suggest adding a sampler. A sampler would allow you to import a sample, tune the sample, and use note tracks for pitch. This would be much more efficient than pitching individual samples on the Machiniste.

Your message to the community:

Be yourself unapologetically. You're not anyone else but yourself, so it wouldn't make sense to try to be anyone else but yourself.

Social/Musical Links:



Laevent was also kind enough to put together an album for us. Many thanks.

Track #1:

renegade [full] by looks

Here it is, my favorite track on Audiotool. It makes me super emotional every time I listen to it, and it's a perfect demonstration of how basses can be used to convey feelings.


Track #2:

OLSWEL! by viista

Super hard. Especially that last section. Vista knows what I'm talking about haha


Track #3:

QI by Yang.

All of Yang's beats are cold... and this is no exception. Clear example that you can make hits on Audiotool for sure.


Track #4:

trauma (we made it) by etterath

Manny is a true artist in the making. This falls nothing short of demonstrating visionary talent, and every minute of the song is worth listening to.


Track #5:

I EAT MERCURY by 1trillionMPH

Another powerful track, demonstrating how basses and harsh sound design can convey emotion. I feel like this track represents surviving even when it seems that everything around you wants to prevent you from doing so, which at times is what trans life feels like.


Track #6:

ARTIFICIAL 2 |-| by LAEVENT labs ⚡️

Abrasive and emotive. My best solo audiotool representation of turning emotion into sound.


The album in it's full splendor

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  • i need to pee


  • congrats!!~

  • Great feature and awesome track selection!

  • Congrats on the feature Laevent :D

  • About time, hey. Congrats!

  • based renegade pick, happy to see u featured:)

  • Congrats

  • Def deserved featured

  • eeyyyyyyy lets go!!!! congrats!!

  • Hayden, I honestly appreciate you so much for doing what you do, as well the at team so much for having you on a feature finally. For years you've inspired and surprised me with the eloquence of your creative process, I still find it insane how quickly you can formulate ideas and then materialize them out of seemingly thin air. You've helped guide and teach me on how to utilize AT more effectively, and have taught me so many little tricks I could have never found through production alone. So many late nights spent just having a blast working on music, watching our favourite shows, looking at memes, having profound and brainless convos alike. Through thick and thin, falling out of touch and talking 24/7, I truly hope you continue to flourish through your music and create a name for yourself outside of AT, and I genuinely believe you do have a career ahead of yourself and have felt so in my balls for many years. You are one of my idols, truly. much love. <3


  • thank you <3


