• contest
  • collaboration

Collaborative Music Contest 2021

  • 33
  • 243

This really seems like a true contest season - here is a new one, which might be especially interesting to all of you!

This one is not hosted by yours truly but by the nice people over at the School of Music Collaboration. They are holding a contest where they are looking for the top track that best represents the spirit and potential of online music collaboration.

To put it in their words: "They want to find and award the best collaborative track of the year created with online tools!"

You have the chance to win two amazing prizes: one first prize and a runners-up second. The approximate retail value of all prizes is $16,000 🤯 and includes software, coaching and distribution.

There is no limit to how many people you can collaborate with or what software you use.

Judges will evaluate the level of collaboration and the quality of songwriting and music production.

Participation in the contest is completely free, and artists retain all ownership rights to the music they submit.

The deadline has been extended. You can submit your work until November, 21st 2021.

For more info and contest rules head over to 👉 Collaborative Music Contest 2021

Don't forget to share your track below - we sure as hell want to know what you are coming up with!

Go Audiotool!

Best of Luck! 🍀

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