how do i upload vocals of my own

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how do i i need help big time please

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  • how do i add vocals pls help

  • um

  • how do you get rid of the cuts in between the words

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  • Two ways: Audiotool Probe ( or the Audiotool App. (

    Probe: File > Record (Click the red dot to begin) -OR- Browse (if you have the sample on your computer already recorded)

    App: File > Import Sample > From Audio Device (Allow Access to microphone) -OR- From File (if you have them on your computer already recorded)

    *** Remember that there will be consequences for uploading copyrighted samples. Read about that here: What samples can I upload? ***

    • How do I get rid of the fade at the end of the vocals? It's annoying how in the app there is no fade at all and it's perfectly fine, but whenever I upload it, it always starts to fade. Is there a way to prevent that?