I'm trying to work on a track, but when I open audiotool up and try to open the track it's stuck on 'rendering document' and then switches to Server Connection: Trying to Connect." Is there a problem with the servers or is something wrong with the connection on my end?
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0 -
2 me: ( sees this post )
- ( goes to comment )
- ( sees it's from 2020 )
- (chuckles and says in Arthur Morgan's Voice ) "Some things never change do they?"
0 Can't open stu or any tracks at all
0 i just got this error and I cant save my beat for some reason
1 Yesterday I went too far, but today is that too! That sucks!
1 man this place went to the hole dude
0 not working for me either
0 It just stays there on "Server connection"
can someone help me?
2 It's just staying on the screen
0 not a single server is working??
0 are all the servers down??
0 Soooooooooooooooooooo sad.
0 I can't make a song now.
0 the first time someone sa this was in 2020. It's 2022. it's still a problem for me. please help yo.
also I started like 5 minutes before i posted this.
0 and its 2022
It's fine for me.