How do I reverse a sequence?

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How do I reverse a sequence? Not play the sequence in reverse order, just reverse the sound.

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  • dang, lotta steps! Thanks you guys, much love

  • in the timeline, use the 'loop bar' just above the pattern placement area to highlight where the notes/sequences/whatever you want to reverse are, making sure you only hear what you want to reverse (turn on looping with the button on top), then export by going to 'sample upload' > 'bounce timeline' (you can tick 'two pass mode' if you have effects like reverb or delay for example). in probe, select 'edit', then click 'effects' > 'reverse' (or type 'r'), then export it by going to 'file' > 'upload' (leave 'visible to all users' unticked if you wish to hide the sample), and then import your sample by going to the right-hand menus 'samples' > 'my' and dragging it to the desktop device view, or dragging in a new audiotrack from 'devices' into the desktop view and dragging your sample into the audiotracks respective timeline slot.

  • I think the best way you can do this is pub the track with just the item and then immediately hide it, open the sample editor ( and import the sample, reverse it, and then upload it to audiotool. Hide it if you want, idrc.