What is audiotool to you?

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To me, audiotool is a program made to make music accessible to new, upcoming, and less financially fortunate musicians. I've used the software on and off since I was 15 years old (I'm 24 now, bordering on 25), and the fact that I've been able to stick with it for as long as I have is something really special to me. I've learned synthesis, mixing, mastering, and much more through making my music with this software, and working within its limitations. I've prided myself in knowing almost everything about this DAW, whether I used every feature or not, and mostly being content with using those same tools for almost all of my music.

So why is it that the proposition of VST support, and stem uploads feels like a step back in my mind? Maybe I'm a purist, maybe I'm incredibly jaded, or maybe I'm too far disassociated from the website at this point to understand the greater picture. I wanna ask you guys this same question, and see if I'm alone in this mentality.

Please keep discussion civil, and polite when making your responses, otherwise I'll probably delete your comments.

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  • only way to make music personally.

    my laptop sucks as hell and my fkin ex went away whit the mac we bought together. B**ch.

    I kept the car tho 💪


  • For me, Audiotool is a new planet, and I love exploring all these valleys... There are sometimes wonderful discoveries, but also cold austere corners without any charm. So, isn't beauty the twin sister of ugliness?

    Beyond this conquest, this site allows us to travel, to meet, to share, to criticize, to exchange.... in short, to accomplish what our modern societies no longer seem able to provide us.

    I treat myself to incredible trips while staying in front of my computer.

    I love the spirit of this community, I love the ability of users to always push the limits, to create from tiny bricks, tracks that are so well constructed and professional.

  • AudioTool to me is a site where I can learn about music and connect with other people.

  • Audiotool to me is potential. Looking at the state of the community as well as other things, it's definitely not being realized in the best way right now, but there's still stuff to be optimistic about

  • Honestly for me I have no idea anymore. It really is the place where i'm most comfortable at my craft but the community is extremely jaded to me and what not. Besides that i only wanted to come back to really reconnect with some people and really that goal has been accomplished. To me audiotool has fallen so far from where it was and how people were back in 2017 when i started. I saw seeds of some people just degrading their talent and just in such a denial back then it's gotten so bad. It's just so stupid now these days with people who just don't try, or really care to make anything "worth while". Almost everyone at the top are so full of themselves and just have so many "underlings" it's not worth sticking around. The studio i love it's what i grew up on but it hasn't had anything new since 2020. So it's gotten really stale, old, repetitive. It's not worth sticking around for me because this place is really vile and unforgiving.

  • for a long time audiotool for me was the one and only good social platform to meet and collaborate with musicians. when big artist like xavi, looks, opaqity, clu started fading out i never truly understood why because the community was great, they proved the daw was capable and easy to use, audiotool was at the peak at the time i think, personally.

    i guess i finally opened my eye to everything over the past recent events and realised the state of audiotool in general is just in shambles in my opinion. the user interface isn't even that bad and the daw is very capable of making good music but one of the big reasons why i'm still here is because i felt like this community was valuable but after stepping out onto other communities. i realise this community is not valuable at all. or at the very least it is a shell of what it once was.

    regarding the innovation of audiotool, i was in cologne when they unveiled a bunch of new exciting features. i was super duper excited. but then i had time to think over the months after that. "hold on, where did this team come from?", "oh, they got an investment", "oh, there is an official announcement for subscription plans", "oh they said it was going to take a few years to complete this, now it's coming out this year.. ok" a lot of things just do not make sense to me and i do not like the direction that audiotool is heading anymore. audiotool has lost its sense of being a platform for musicians and now its seemingly turned into a business.

    • to tl;dr and to answer the question of "What is audiotool to you?" as of the present. it is nothing anymore. there is nothing of value here anymore

    • perhaps this will be my "Moving to FL" rant, i just hope it made sense and audiotool can learn from it. i've already established a footing on bitwig and for the community aspect i've moved onto other discord servers where people make music with all sorts of tools. it's much more friendly and people are actually interested in listening to your art.

      i have never imagined this in a million years that i would say this, but goodbye audiotool. it was a nice journey but it's time for me to move onto more active and less dysfunctional communities and start using more innovative tools.

    • leading such a platform such as audiotool with low capital potential is extremely difficult and so i give merit to those who have already taken it this far. but audiotool to me is like an unwatered plant which is only just now recieving water but it's already too late. the community has died off because of lack of action and such. i think as well the biggest killer was the website redesign. while it is much more modern, it fails to connect people and discover other artists and music. what happened to audiotool radio? why do i need to scroll down my giant notification feed to see the charts? why do i need to log out to see the top 1 of all categories all in one place? all of this stuff should be easily accessible. people complain about the moderation team being bad, why not open some slots? like an unwatered plant as i've said.

      my point is, all of these gaming competitions should've been done a very long time ago but even then. it should still not be the main focus. again: what does any of this have to do with music or art? ask any musician why they make art. i personally have no interest in winning prizes or making music for other people. i'm here to have fun and express myself. how does winning a prize help me express myself?

      i was on the fence about quitting audiotool since it has been such a great journey and i'd hate to end it here but i guess it's honestly time to move on. what is there left to stay for? the community is a shell. the people behind audiotool have commited fraud against andre in my opinon. audiotool is not acting in the best interests of the users and the DAW UX is a little outdated but the new version will be paywalled under a subscription service. i cannot own audiotool, i cannot use it offline. there is not a single reason left to stay here anymore.

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