phonk mixtape, anyone interested? [CLOSED]

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we are doing raw and rare phonk stuff only no cowbell bs AUDIOTOOL RARE PHONK AUDIOTOOL RAW PHONK


posting sometime 2nd week of april be there or be square

it was supposed to be a yearly thing but ig he stopped posting or sum (nvm he's @rey )

you can post your song(s) on the tape individually but not until the thing as a whole comes out


oh yeah and 3 tracks max, you can make your beats on any daw, collabing is allowed, and min track length is 1:15 min

COLLABORATORS: me, icefloe, lv!, make ponk bela pfp?! :o, r.shani, rey, shunpo, skeletnaya, zarenxis

NOT JOINED: cleeo, ryzenn / taiko (congrats on the at feature btw), terror / terror2, roy

JOINED, NOT POSTED ANYTHING (honorable mentions ig...?): youh8rack, wal, $ozun

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  • yo I would like to partake in this tape

    • ight, adding you now

  • LOL i appreciate the commitment of keeping that rare phonk shit going on AT.

    YUNGBXNZBEAT$ is my alt which i messed around with and experimented with phonk but its pretty much an archive at this point since im just putting it out on my main now.

    Good to see all these new faces keeping things going after i was gone.

    3 more
  • im gonna start cooking some rare phonk I gotchu

  • yes im interested

  • Can do that man I need help with my song

  • I need so beats and kicks like rat dance into phonk pls.

    • ok

    • the one shonci used in his vid was the 920 phonk kick, you can use it with the 920 phonk snare

      just no house type music

  • ngl phonk sucks

    8 more
  • idk if the stuff I make would work

    maybe my sample idk

    • back

    • just look up some tutorials for the 2 genres and download some drum kits

      most of its on fl studio but im sure you can translate that into audiotool easily

  • word id fuck with this but ion know if my sound fits

    1 more
  • ight

  • me!

    • fine you can come but you have to make phonk first before i invite you

    • tf are you gonna do? watch? you haven't made phonk even once

  • idk if I count

    • alr

    • Illl prob make like 2 Max

    • aight, i mean you can make up to 3 tracks so it doesn't really matter how many tracks u make, we got a lot of ppl in this shi

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  • does the shit i make qualify lol

    • i guess yeah

      i could put you track(s) at the end as an experimental bit

  • I want in

    2 more
  • so no hard phonk

    • cool. Sounds great to me. Dark gritty hard phonk sounds great to me.

    • honestly ig you could do some hard version of rawmatic phonk, you just need a really evil ambient sample and i have the drums uploaded on my account....

      for you i would recommend making something like iceblunt but with just a little bit more distortion