Growl Experiments

Total playing time: 0:36:45

Top: Worst growls

Bottom: Best growls

1 Cool 32
2 Good growl? 48
3 Good Gritty Free Bass! 41
4 Pulv Growl bass 109
5 Well lookie there a Space yoy 26
6 Sorry Perdition :{ 37
7 Test 32
8 Screetch grawl thangy 24
9 Sexy Growl? (Loud) 53
10 My growls are getting better yay! 40
11 Free Decent Growl 43
12 Way better Pulv growl 24
13 Pulv is now my fav 27
14 Okay 11
15 Free Pulv growl 28
16 Testing 26
17 Its legit the same 25
18 Kuuro type growl 10
19 Is this good? 17
20 Better 17
21 Better 17
22 getting better 42
23 ok.... 51
24 Next Kurea?!??! 51
25 Have this for free 41
26 Talking basses 32
27 Using Xcule's Preset 15
28 Its all about the tuning 29
29 Kurea growl? 27
30 4 months got me here 25
31 grawl 26
32 Akute 33
33 VirusMachine cant win against me now 16
34 yo yi 14
35 Pulv Growl yay 28
36 Best Pulv Growl on AT 148
37 Why do I do this (Recreation) 55
38 Heis V.S. Pulv 43
39 Free Growl lel 57
40 Pulv Growl 28
41 No idea 12
42 Experiment with a different EQ 12
43 Free Pulv Growls 50
44 I dont give a, dont give uh, g g g g g g g g g g, I dont give a 42
45 let me show you bass BASS, let me show you bbbbbb YAAAAY-yaah 37
46 get the f-BRAWWW-ya 15
47 By far best set of growls I've ever made 34
48 cottage but better 63
49 free growl 58
50 bad 25
51 okay 15
52 funky growls 32
53 [#HeisGang] I actually did something cool for once 42
54 [#HeisGang] Another dope experiment that pulv's can't do 88
55 stubby wubby, growly gooey 23
56 hmm 22
57 idk how this came to be 53
58 yah 37
59 Mega Growls 49
60 bobson dugnut 50
62 dumb earape 31
63 My best growl yet 175
64 yeehaw 17
65 what on earth 67
66 ggg 24
67 Untitled 16
68 off-brand Kurea 134
69 huh. 31
70 fffeeeyaaa! 48
71 Bass 29
72 wut 44
73 you have been a naughty boy 93
74 long garbage 90
75 woopydoo 50
76 yes 96
77 google browser daw growl 44
78 growl 46
79 Bassline growl 63
80 another crappy experiment :/ 59
81 too much feedback 68
82 Untitled Experiment 36
83 I am really bored, so have a growl 142
84 Crappy Generic Serum growl, but a good Pulv growl 95
85 idk 18
86 what 14
87 ok 27
88 another growl that's decent 75
89 c h o n k 58
90 I'm bored :| 28
91 crunchy taco 169
92 hiatus break growl 113

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