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  • lights
  • bace
  • Xenomorph


Total playing time: 0:24:58

Yessil est un cauchemar. Une entité mauvaise qui a pris vie dans la profondeur des enfers...Là Yessil est né, illuminé de mille feux par les flammes du mal. Ses disciples sont comme lui, leur énergie sert la violence, leur bouche le mensonge...trêves d'histoires.

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  • Your translation is all right (tell me if I make mistake)

  • which were illuminated*

  • Damn dude. I know basic to moderatre, And im briefing what you said. XD Thats kinda dark.

  • I know basic french. Correct me if I'm wrong, but does this translate to:

    Yessil is a nightmare. The poor body that came to life in the depths of hell ... There, Yessil was born from a thousand lights were illuminated by the flames of evil. His followers are like him, their energy is violence, their mouths lying ... stories truces.

  • i think this is in french... and i dont speak a lick of frenhc except for oui. but thank you for adding me to this collection :)