Amp7070 156 Follower Comp Results!

Total playing time: 0:46:44

Hello everybody!

Thank you for all entering my remix competition!!

It has been fun!

These results are just my opinion!! Biased to my preference!

However I did try to judge as fairly as possible trying to take things such as drums, synthwork, ideas ect into acount!


1: Grek

I really dont have anything negative to say about this entry, it was obvious that alot of effort throughout the whole track, I like how you changed it from the original, and you managed to make my sample sound good! I also really liked the new melodies added in!


2: Affinitii

I think the sound design in this track was really good and all of it mixed nicely and I did not find it muddy to listen to! I just thought that this was a very well put together track!


3: Niteowl

I think everything in this track sounded very nice, and i thought it worked all well together!! I really liked the synths you added in creating the synthwave vibes! I would just say the mixing could probably be slightly better, like I think the drums were slightly to weak! (imo!) but very good track nonetheless!


4: Cadaver

This track is very ambient and nice, it gave me vibes of minecraft cave music! All the synths were very nice and fit very well into the vibes!! This is just a very nice track but it does get slightly repetitive for music that you would sit down and just listen to imo! Simple but effective :)


5: Mircode

This track was very nice to listen to and the addition of vocals really cool! I think my favourite part was the percussion, I think they were used brilliantly and definitely added to the sort of eerie that I think you were going for! The only thing negative I have to say is that the I feel like the vocals sounded slightly funky and clipped alot at times!


6: Embarrassment

I really liked this entry alot, especially the first half! The synths and drums sounded so relaxing and satisfying especially with the notes used. Imo the only thing i have to say is that although the effects used in the second half could have sounded good at times, they did start to get slightly jarring!


7: Ziroh

This was a really nice entry! I really liked the use of the samples, they fit in quite well. The main thing I have to say is that imo the melody synths did sound quite raw and the noted occasionally felt slightly off + the drums felt slightly weak!


8: DopeSlinger

Ithought this entry was very nice, the drums fit quite nicely into it, most of the synths sounded quite nice, I did although think that for the main melody synth, I think the slide did not work that well due to the short sustain making the slide seperate from the note it was going to so it should have been changed / removes if that makes sense!


9: Snowfire

I liked this entry alot, I think the changes to the synths were very nice, the drums were very good and the whole thing was very satisfying to listen to, the only thing that stopped it placing higher was the length and the lack of variation!


10: tikowun

This entry was very crazy, but I definitely think it worked well here, I think at times the synths could be slightly unpleasant however the drums sounded very nice, and alot of the effects used were quite cool!


To the rest of the entries, Thank you for entering they were all good and fun to listen to, this is just my opinion!!! If you want my opinion on it please just ask!

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  • dam i got last place

  • Lol damn I didn't know I placed top ten, thanks dude. I thought you'd hate it or something so I even went as far as to hide it since I was embarrassed I wasn't able to do better for you

    • ah thats weird, urs was quite good!

  • no way I notice 6 months later that I made the top 3

    • lol this remix competition was certainly a moment

  • lol

  • congrats you guys, for real! I had fun with this one and I hope everyone else did too!!

    • Glad you enjoyed it💥💥

  • Thanks to everyone and congrats to the winner :)

    • ok, I understand.

      Thank you man

    • Ah by funky i just meant the notes being sung sounded slightly off at times in conjunction with the notes in the track

    • Hi man, You're right my vocals are not well recorded and not well mixed. I knew it but I wanted to participate anyway because it's nice and fun and thanks anyway, I didn't even think I could reach the top 10. :)

      I don't understand what you mean by funky though. Do you mean sad / a little depressed or off beat?

    1 more
  • Congrats everyone! Thanks for participating!

  • Wow!!

    man, thank you very much for your consideration, I never thought I would reach such a high in a challenge, I imagined myself at most 9 -...XD

    Thank you very much.

    and my congratulations to all of you who entered this challenge!

    • Congrats GREK! I'm super proud of you :)

    • well done on the W !

  • whaay well done everyone :)

  • i got placed again in a remix comp?

    am i literally dreaming cause i thought such a thing wasn't possible help

    but seriously, even though i got 10th place, im still friggin glad i even GOT to the top 10! im especially happy seeing grek win first place cause HOLY FRIGGIN DANG DID HE DESERVE IT! still binge his track all the time every day, just- YESSSss. everyone else's entry was just as great and gosh darn y'all i'm glad to have participated

    • hmmm maybe next time i will nearly get 31 entries haha

    • well then im hoping for the next one to be even better than this one! you thought you were gonna just get 5 entries and ended up getting nearly 30 lol

    • That seems to be the trend on my remix comps lol, this one definitely went alot better then my last remix comp though hahahah

    7 more