fragmented ldb|s, non green, but black

Total playing time: 1:03:44

It started as something of a tribute to myself and only. I'm too disoriented to say, nowdays.

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  • im curious, how did you come up with the track titles for this album? esp tracks 1 and 4. are they references to things, or are they more personal?

    • For references sake winds and fjords is otherwise called telamon's sword

    • #1 took on a bit of a more personal meaning for me

      #2 In it's entirety is a bit of a homage to "winds and fjords" and the nostalgia it brings me because of roblox and what not (and I mixed it with one of my favourite kinrek moments)

      #4 I took from a video on the internet about coding

      #3's description has more meaning than the title to be honest because I tried to make something really specific but failed because that isn't how I roll lmao