8 tracks... most around 88-95% done... I just couldnt wait! 8 Tracks 1 Avenging Infidelity UPYA _ UPYA _ 97 2 Tryta Get On My Boat - Re-release UPYA _ UPYA _ 63 3 Devils Revelry (unfinished - no vocal) UPYA _ UPYA _ 30 4 Going Away Somewhere (Where You Fuckwits Can't Find Me) UPYA _ UPYA _ 67 5 Just The Tip (LIne 'Em up) INST MKII UPYA _ UPYA _ 158 6 Old Ghosts (zeroV) UPYA _ UPYA _ 47 7 UPYA vs DEADPOOL (Epic Mix) UPYA _ UPYA _ 68 8 Beverly Hills Crim UPYA _ UPYA _ 44 2 Comments Create an account or Login to write a comment. UPYA _ 2015-10-13 0 lol which one? its an album? :P knightslayr(inactive) 2015-10-13 0 nice track bro