
Total playing time: 0:41:24

My @Intracktion 's Hall of Fame.

I could put all his track in this, but this is my selection.

Please follow him, support him...... he deserves it ;-)

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  • Absoloutely amazing!

  • Heck yes.

  • You welcome........please, put some tracks on an ep or a lp and let us buy it ;-)

  • Thanks a lot FBS for the feature! :)

    I´m upgrading some of the listed tracks at the moment....

    I´m very exited, if it will be also an upvaluation for you guys...;-)

    so happy that you like my stuff....


  • i would add iwi kiwi back and cubrick ;)

  • would be impossible to chose just 10 for me..

  • A must listen.

  • this wonderful confluence of artistry, originality, knowledge, skills work and gifts is unique on audiotool. really, how fortunate we are to be here at this time to hear it. magnificent :)

  • Iwi Biwi Back is my favorite. Great Album!!