400 rmx comp winners

Total playing time: 0:09:09

1. Most creative.

400 (Aeros entry)

I like this a lot! It has a lot of potential. I just wish it was in key and also mixed properly into a more professional-sounding track.

2. All-rounder


I really like this track the most since you put the effort out to change the arpeggio. Would've been nice to change other things too and maybe even the sound design. The second part is a nice touch but seems out of place. Good job anyway my dude.

3. Interesting

400 (ghosts? remix(bbaass')

Sounds pretty good but sounds kinda messy and rushed. It's not bad but could do with some more work.

Honourable mention:


I don't actually know why I put this in the honourable mentions. Maybe I am just not a fan of this genre? haha sorry.

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