• remix
  • comp
  • winners
  • caelum

Caelum Remixes

Total playing time: 0:10:19

Here are the results for my latest remix comp!

Winner: Recompense

This remix was so nice and one of the few tracks that I can truly call "beautiful." It was so chilling, and he drop with the Xavi arps was just perfect. Not to mention the flawlessly executed slow down and key change. Great remix!

Runner Ups:

Sentient and Vulkron

These two are my bros, but that's not the reason why they placed. The lead synth they added fit perfectly, and the drums fills were great. A nice finish of the original.


This remix probably had the best sound design and mastering of all of them. It was also a nice change of the original chords. I loved the drop lead too!

So many great remixes, thank you to all who participated!

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  • ayyyyyyy I just saw a chart m8

  • thank you guys for number 4 on the charts!

  • thanks man <3

    I think Ranvik should have won tho or atleast took my place lol

    mine was the least creative

    • ok, thx for giving reason

    • nah for me i both really liked both remixes, but there was something taking away from both. for sent, it was that it was a little too close to the original, for urs it was that it wasn't a "full track" but i liked both remixes equally so i had u tie

    • well put senti on second and me in third

    2 more
  • thx so much dud <3

  • aww I didn't make it :( oh well congrats

  • IM HONORED <3<3<3

  • Well sheeit gg