• synthwork
  • thisandthat
  • artclub
  • electronicjazz


Total playing time: 0:19:32


/reməˈni SHə/

noun; The wish for loss of memory or nostalgia.


I think we started this in, like January? and it's finally out.

Thanks @wilunki for the impeccable craftmanship with me on this one. Dude can do anything.

Much love to @WPX and @retro for hopping in on the second half of this tape, adding some awesome idea-sparkin'


Released August 13, a special day to me. It's available on all platforms.

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  • Never gave this a proper listen, I did now and it's great. It has been requested to me that I should review it on my YT. May I?

  • i swear i did not even read the description before originally commenting that this makes me nostalgic af

    you all truly accomplished evoking that feeling

    you guys work so well together

    lapse will be on repeat for a while

  • aw yeah this is helping me get thru the emotions rn


    • great album, awesome work from all of yall

  • What a beautiful work <3 <3

  • <3<3<3

  • fav tracks prolly have to be Lapse and Eternal Try, whole vibe fit together and the ambient-lofi with a hint of jazz vibe is honestly impressive, every track sounds full, no duds. this is dope yall great work

    • Thanks a ton! my personal favs are prolly Lapse and Fantasize.

      I could listen to Fantasize foreva

  • this thing's a beaut

  • Love you guys bro.