
Total playing time: 0:35:48
1 brass for music assignment 57
2 Twisted But Beefed Up(?) 66
3 cyberpunk teaser 120
4 1st cyberpunk attempt?(EXTREMEWIP) 538
5 play button wouldnt work 223
6 bass practice? 64
7 bass practice 2(car motor?) 94
8 like a g6 but only tonematrix and shitty 192
9 more basses?(bass practice 3) 188
10 stupid cyberpunk nobody asked for 462
11 horn(?) sound design test 1 102
12 Reverse Send Practice 54
13 i tried the bass music (for reals reals lads) 191
14 phaseout. 5346
15 failed draft 1 118
16 i tried soundtrap lol 113
17 somebody use this please :( 262
18 somebody remix this house :( 180
19 free cinematic draft(experiment) 126
20 Lost Track(updated bass) 30
21 Inspiring The World 100
22 IT'S RAW >:( 470
23 if morgan freeman made lofi 163
24 i tried future bass(experiment)(fail) 17
25 this turned out better than i'd thought it would 199
26 tb303 experiment pt1 73
27 1 thousand pulvs 543
28 FB LOOP- Doors(The Hunt) 1371
29 ToneMatrix sound design 151
30 one pulv part 1 192
31 the taking of 1, 2, 3 tonematrix 991
32 3/4th of my kitchen blew up in an alternate universe and now im scared ill never get my bacon and eggs breakfast no please i beg you i need my eggs :( 1462
33 trashy pc startup lol(wip) 44

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