These are all versions of the song 'Hologram' I found. 2 Tracks 1 Hologram (with Polyspace, DubstepMidnight, ParaDoX, YungSac and Atriogen) Aringrey Belody Distorted Vortex W1ckedwolff Lil' Bassie* Aringrey Belody Distorted Vortex W1ckedwolff Lil' Bassie* 1195 2 Hologram (with Polyspace, DubstepMidnight, ParaDoX, YungSac and Atriogen) (DubMid Edit) Distorted Vortex Distorted Vortex 100 2 Comments Create an account or Login to write a comment. Distorted Vortex 2016-10-15 0 ok so i did more of a edit while the other 2 sounds like the full song being taken Aringrey 2016-10-12 0 wow. Thanks for highlighting this...