Best of the Best

Total playing time: 4:18:46

I will continue to add more tracks throughout the year

1 Escape (ATD 2020) 1305
2 Running 3149
3 The Weeknd - Blinding Lights (Cover) 1614
4 4:22-24 2989
5 3:3-4 1478
6 A view from above is just a point of view 424
7 Self care 216
8 museum 234
9 MUTED 8661
10 HAKUNA MATATA poet & naswalt. (Prod. leadenshrew & syntax) 14483
12 voyd 1022
13 Goon 1959
14 ⃝ ⃝ ⃝ heissen 1476
15 hhhhhhhhhhhh 366
16 vistamista★★★ 1236
17 Vizil 3521
18 André Michelle 3535
19 Akuma 458
20 Skyrim, Dragonsreach/Under an ancient sun 217
21 I feel like I'm slowly slipping away 212
22 Please stop it, you're hurting me again 378
23 Poet Vocal Challenge - leadenshrew 787
24 027concrete?whale 127
25 Home - Icebox X poet 8678
26 Poet Vocal REMIX CHALLENGE (pt 2) 5731
27 Bum wip 166
28 Escape - Onyx (Icebox Remix) 1138
29 Victoria - Icebox & Velocistar (ft. Andrei Castillo) 5480
30 Let me go (Vocal) 534
31 Anime OP (Naswalt's Mix) 4002
32 ihopethateverybodydies (ft EKKSTACY) 2577
34 Miss the rage (but its on audiotool) 13835
35 Platypus Controlling Me (but its lofi) 10188
36 whiney boy 2078
37 Stage 10: Astral Sector D As 935
38 just one more 5315
39 Ben Shapiro 8679
40 i made this in a stream lmao 11526
41 Breaks on the Rooftop 1788
42 a letter to my mistress feat. joe 5285
43 somnia 3499
44 Bad Theory 2305
45 Sunday Clarity 154
46 01/22/2021 Loop 4460
47 Lapse 481
48 how do 909? 4932
49 909.7.4 (909 Day Contest) 2095
50 youre uninvited to my birthday party 5492
51 good on a cold day 518
52 Waterfall 716
53 [Glitch hop] - dreamlands 621
54 good luck 749
55 Xavi - Analog Tears (Pixus Decay Remix) 443
56 terrae 732
57 lacus 467
58 vallis 413
59 Curious George 342
60 basic 3285
61 joet (joe X po9t) 8682
62 atd21 1905
63 yōsei 3253
64 im not gonna keep asking 2395
66 Forlorn 1533
67 cock 177
68 ago (short) 1300
69 Second Depression 1523
70 All You Are 2415
71 carrion / carryon / goddamn / goddamn 1258
72 Rotting, 984
73 atlas 3437

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