[as] bumps vol. 1

Total playing time: 3:03:25

disclamer: i am not parterned with adult swim, this is entirely fan made.

1 lazy boy 212
2 musicismysecondfamily [bump] 207
3 zechoi.. 316
4 Shut the Fuck Up Donny 3554
5 Habanera 39
6 viva. 404
7 life circle. 235
8 virgo. [redux] 745
9 earth song. 308
10 long distance. 343
11 where the flowers bloom. 438
12 don't touch me. 421
13 The Mask 7407
14 UseYourInsideVoice [w/ Owtlet + looks] 2109
15 some really old thing that ethan, david, n i tried to make like 3332
16 unconventional lil thing 4480
17 lazy sad [ft. looks] 17166
18 2AM (complete) 13730
19 bedford falls 14797
20 d i g i t a l. a r o m a t e c h 754
21 wayward. 956
22 SAY-GAAAH. 3731
23 stare into the eyes of a bombay cat.net 2221
24 lofly 2357
25 getthefuckupoutofbedyoupieceofshit [bump] 163
26 Σ 2709
27 Wavz. 633
28 [Phresh.] 566
29 Cool.Out. 1518
30 we do. 2370
31 Untitled 0394. 1167
32 sip ur friends 387
33 likelike 666
34 pyschomind.. ft. vii 319
35 slump'd 194
36 Down 8575
37 j-a-w 496
38 xans make you smarter :) 89
39 otsune. 162
40 japenese flowers.[bump] 63
41 ninjutsu.[intro] 317
42 Combos. 192
43 [goodnight] 75
44 dolemite. [revamped] 274
45 look at me go. 93
46 real niggas die. 4103
47 drifting. 406
48 Intro-specs. 537
49 Gng .Up. 697
50 Gng .Thrgh. 198
51 [infinite x burg] neon gaze. 360
52 780. 1671
53 gloom. 7350
54 imaginary friend 3039
55 I destroy everything I like 514
56 Karate 330
57 Delingo 156
58 ughhh 339
59 music theory project - my life 123
60 [just.a.regular.tofu.delivery.com] 334
61 Coolin' 602

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