All Client's tracks (mostly experiments)

Total playing time: 27:24:41
1 I found this in my drafts 228
2 Tearout bass shots 153
3 D I E 122
4 Phase bass experiment #2 83
5 clean chord experimenting 69
6 Piano Attempt [Client Edit] 132
7 Crappy Generic Serum growl, but a good Pulv growl 95
8 Fake Phaser 48
9 Riser 47
10 I made an edit to jovee's Pan snare 65
11 Project Epsilon's mastering chain for 16Khz+ 75
12 20 min bass 66
13 P H A T R E E S E 59
14 Phase Bass (30 min session) 64
15 Sexy WIP 102
16 Trying Psytrance [DEMO] 162
17 smol sound design session 82
18 Riddim bass testing 65
19 Rush [Client Edit] 413
20 Vidar, shut up. 153
21 another dumb Tearout WIP 222
22 wfcwcwe 42
23 another teaout bass that I have no idea what to do with 78
24 Tearout Gun 82
25 id wip jovee type crack 52
26 I am really bored, so have a growl 142
27 tearout fail (sad noises) 67
28 Psycho (failed) 49
29 joVee - ABOMINATION [Client Edit WIP] 190
30 Working on Clean sound design 209
31 Failed lofi draft lol 127
32 Spooky WIP 187
33 Virusmachine Tag 33
34 got bored too fast lol 54
35 Hard Trap fail 138
36 Just dropping ideas ig 23
37 Untitled Piano 47
38 Made a tag cause I am bored 146
39 WIP Thing 64
40 Untitled Experiment 36
41 MARAUDA type beat but it's bad 72
42 Spaceout-step 60
43 TJ rants again 137
44 ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ 84
45 too much feedback 68
46 another crappy experiment :/ 59
47 Bassline growl 63
48 bassline bass 40
49 Artists Block :( 122
50 Crappy dubstep Kick 81
51 Bassline bass? 22
52 idk if I want to keep this 43
53 AT's first actual choir sound-a-like? 248
54 soundtrack demo 97
55 growl 46
56 Anyone wanna hop on this with me? 70
57 What the heck virus 52
58 some moar trashstep 54
59 my first bass stuff 44
60 google browser daw growl 44
61 cancer 52
62 free bass that I made in like 10 mins (no joke) 96
63 wait [Client Edit] 72
64 yes 96
65 Lonesome [Heisenberg replacement] 129
66 Megalodon 570
67 Drop Contest! 375
68 woopydoo 50
69 idek 60
70 back at it again with the garbage 50
71 Murkoden being bug-man 56
72 Murkoden being drunk 100
73 demo 92
74 Snare 62
75 oof 44
76 long garbage 90
77 you have been a naughty boy 93
78 Was going to do something with this, but the hecking lag is star 41
79 wut 44
80 Bass 29
81 Your time has come Virus. 55
82 fffeeeyaaa! 48
83 Together (Cleaner) [Short] 38
84 better things will come. [Demo] 121
85 huh. 31
86 lazer gun but it's bad 24
87 Which koto is better? 57
88 Asian Styled Trap? 207
89 epico 57
90 Restricted [AT DAY 2020] 3239
91 sneak peak 22
92 Jovee freestyle 101
93 Will Be Missed 70
94 off-brand Kurea 134
95 Tass Besting 22
96 No Home Brand [Client Flip] 622
97 Legit Fattest Bass I've ever freaken made 195
98 test 25
99 Useless space bass 43
100 noice 35
101 Sound design session 98
102 Yall remember Rust? 60
103 another old draft, except its remixable 51
104 Black Sun. (An old draft I found) 84
105 TheClient Trap is back 97
106 I made a Violin/Cello 396
107 I said no furry roleplaying! [Remixable] 486
108 clients dead 91
109 Client & MDOW - Black Moon 112
110 oh heck! 50
111 JoVee Tribute. 40
112 messing around 35
113 Drum Freeze 48
114 Pure Awesomeness 33
115 A N D R 0 M 3 D 4 177
117 yueyeeeyaeyeayaeyeayeayyea 30
118 fire mixtape 53
119 foonkay 28
120 My remix of his yoy was better than yours 78
121 I tried 24
122 Study this 58
123 400 Voice Reveal [5 months old] 67
124 Koto made out of a Hat 44
125 X i x x [Beatbox 9 Only] 99
126 30 minuite challenge 51
127 Untitled 16
128 Snare.wav 48
129 Spaces Bounced thingy 14
130 lol 32
131 Something I am working on :} 27
132 bassssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss 24
133 Betrayal. 189
134 Drafts Template 35
135 ggg 24
136 what on earth 67
137 brruh 28
138 yeehaw 17
139 My best growl yet 175
140 dumb earape 31
142 Failed track 35
143 Please make something out of this, I lag too much ;( 59
144 bobson dugnut 50
145 Mega Growls 49
146 bored 31
147 Sound design session 31
148 After Dark 56
149 oh my 8
150 Oof.oof 32
151 uh oh 21
152 yah 37
153 Infect type beat 61
154 made this in 21 mins, bruh 27
155 DarkSynth Attempt 183
156 idk how this came to be 53
157 HeadSplitter (Clean) [Meme] (Teaser) 26
158 pew pew 30
159 Tetrilaxia [WIP] (VIP) 75
160 Failed Deathstep draft that I dont plan to finish 64
161 Hatred [WIP] (#HeisGang) 99
162 doodle 48
163 joVee - Torture / Terror [Client Edit] 365
164 another poopy test 18
165 hmm 22
166 Cool Trap beat 55
167 are you gonna leave the alarm running as a way to pressure me? 29
168 stubby wubby, growly gooey 23
169 Diss on KidFailure. 201
170 KidFailure Diss 74
171 [#HeisGang] Another dope experiment that pulv's can't do 88
172 [#HeisGang] I actually did something cool for once 42
173 #heisgang Bass Music Bois Remix Chain! 443
174 #HeisGang 408
175 might use this 42
176 Chicken White - Icebox X SIREN [TheClient Edit] 187
177 CXT MARKS [Client Edit] 25
178 A sample I recovered 59
179 Project Epsilon & XculE - Eclipse ft. NJ (Bass Edit) 101
180 Spectral 30
181 J U S T S A I Y A N(YBS/YGS Collab) 227
182 wonky riddim basses 124
183 Supersaw Testing. 20
184 1&O - Icebox (Client Edit) 17
185 Space Remake 149
186 Untitled 22
187 funky growls 32
188 No Mercy (WIP) 100
189 Test for youtube 28
190 Vreioj 187
191 Hydraulic Pressure (Teaser) 18
192 Video game/console startup Challenge 213
193 I made a phaser without a phaser 60
194 Before its too late(HOME OFFICE) 4641
195 yoy without a crusher 25
196 Space Piano 38
197 FREE Build up 28
198 f a t a l [Demo] 13
199 Heart Broken (Space doodle) 12
200 Free whistle 42
201 Struggle 1140
202 okay 15
203 Sinewave growl 19
204 Demo 17
205 we miss jovee ;( 31
206 Something I found in my drafts 31
207 Untitled Growls 32
208 I made your "bad" better 40
209 they all want to die like this 341
210 My first reese in FL 90
211 808 For FL cause all the free samples are garbage 14
212 bad 25
213 Free Choir 42
214 free growl 58
215 some demented form of a deep house bass 15
216 cottage but better 63
217 Strongest 808 I've made, hbu? 24
218 Not so sure where I am going with this, but it's a WIP 36
219 By far best set of growls I've ever made 34
220 get the f-BRAWWW-ya 15
221 let me show you bass BASS, let me show you bbbbbb YAAAAY-yaah 37
222 I dont give a, dont give uh, g g g g g g g g g g, I dont give a 42
223 ZEN x Client - Retrospect (unfinished) 15
224 Beta (unfinished) 18
225 ZEN X Client - Remnant (unfinished) 13
226 okay cool 7
227 Trappa Style 36
228 I found this in my drafts 15
229 I've been gone for a bit 33
230 Big boy riddim yoinks 13
231 Riddim 19
232 Fre Growls 23
233 Free Arp 52
234 Free Pulv Growls 50
235 Free Synth Trumpet 80
236 Free Bass House essentials 74
237 Teaser pt.2 47
238 Free choir 76
239 Riddim Wonks 21
240 have fun lisening 165
241 Experiment with a different EQ 12
242 New Beginnings 1023
243 No idea 12
244 ToneMatrix 46
245 Pulv Growl 28
246 Bass test 45
247 detune 23
248 TEASER. 110
249 ΖΣΠΙΤΗ x Client - Shatter 48
250 Drop I tried recreating from June 38
251 Bassline 19
252 More Space 26
253 Sirens (WIP) 245
254 Tech-yes(instead of no) 25
255 Lokay 26
256 Make this useful 60
257 Some FB Draft I found from a while ago 31
258 what even pt.2 16
259 ha losers 27
260 uk w/ theclient 179
261 Free Growl lel 57
262 Heis V.S. Pulv 43
263 Why do I do this (Recreation) 55
264 Virus Machine vs. Client - Untitled 243
265 Best Pulv Growl on AT 148
266 Sine Earape 21
267 Pulv Growl yay 28
268 yo yi 14
269 Aeros X OFV x Perdition - Delusions But It's OTT 26
270 Yoy for Yoys 22
271 Project Epsilon Riddim 27
272 TrapHouse - Prod. ATBeatZ 133
273 VirusMachine cant win against me now 16
274 Akute 33
275 grawl 26
276 The Akatsuki Chop Music (Client remix) 39
277 4 months got me here 25
278 Kurea growl? 27
279 This is Garbage 1582
280 Its all about the tuning 29
281 Using Xcule's Preset 15
282 300 BPM Discord Challenge 25
283 Client does R I D D I M 30
284 Talking basses 32
285 Have this for free 41
286 FILTH [Client Entry] (Lame one) 98
287 Crooker bass? 41
288 Next Kurea?!??! 51
289 ok.... 51
290 Trap Kid stuff lol 16
291 getting better 42
292 Coolio 45
293 Violin + bass = bad 26
294 Decent AT Riddim 105
295 Woah there 101
296 Better 17
297 Riddim ehhh 20
298 Cool 32
299 Better 17
300 She's a thiccy 27
301 Is this good? 17
302 Kuuro type growl 10
303 Wip? 20
304 EDM is easy thats why I dont make it 46
305 Its legit the same 25
306 Testing 26
307 Free melody 38
308 Free Pulv growl 28
309 Okay 11
310 Pulv is now my fav 27
311 Easy Trashy Pulv Drop 37
312 Got Bored 23
313 Way better Pulv growl 24
314 Teaser ;D 27
315 Heisenberg v.s. Sample 33
316 Free Decent Growl 43
317 My growls are getting better yay! 40
318 Someone Finish this. 222
319 Kyoto Joyride (Growl Edit) 58
320 Some old melodies I found that I made a year ago. 9
321 Sexy Growl? (Loud) 53
322 Screetch grawl thangy 24
323 something irdk 44
324 Test 32
325 Distorted 679
326 Sorry Perdition :{ 37
327 Deathstep Drop (Teaser) 83
328 Well lookie there a Space yoy 26
329 Sneak peak 22
330 Pulv Growl bass 109
331 Will you collab with me leadenshrew? 142
332 Good Gritty Free Bass! 41
333 Good growl? 48
334 Ascent (TheClient Edit) 40
335 I made an 808 out of a kick! XD 26
336 sneaky peaky 9
337 Made this in AT 19
338 Farther 35
339 This is a cool lofi bass 111
340 yeah all waves are cool 18
341 Cool 32
342 Forgotten Memories (TheClient Edit) 17
343 Trying to recreate something 53
344 another failed collab #2 36
345 Some old draft I found 31
346 Upsidedown. 171
347 M.0.B\\ (TheClient Edit) 29
348 Woah 26
349 Choir synth 34
350 Hyper-Bassline? 41
351 Suhhh 18
352 another failed collab 139
353 Just a beat 15
354 Inhumane (Teaser) 94
355 Even Better Growl 109
356 i'll never forget you (TheClient Edit) 59
357 Better Growl 47
358 戰Zhànzhēng戰 284
359 joVee - HYSTERIA (Client Remix) 50
360 Like This Aeros? 53
361 Cool Flute (going to be used in an upcoming track) 61
362 I love this 808 65
363 ok brewer 52
364 Eh 39
365 Violin Sound Design testing 52
366 Foretold. 19
367 Aftermath 503
368 Heisenberg piano emulation 2.5 94
369 Cool Lead. 15
370 Riddim Drop? 32
371 Worn out. (School Project) 32
372 Growl without hearing. 18
373 SERUM GROWL!!!! [Audiotool] 59
374 Worn out. 98
375 Malfunction (failed) 63
376 Howl 65
377 Our failed collab 64
378 Project Epsilon - Flawless Victory [Client Edit] 50
379 some weird riddim 24
380 FiRE (Client Entry) 203
381 dumb growl 8
382 Tryhard sound design 24
383 One Sample 239
384 Take it easy. 49
385 Weird Trap melody 23
386 what even 25
387 Something I made with JoVee 50
388 Gunshot 39
389 Free Dumb Growl 31
390 Mindbreak 105
391 Uh oh 35
392 Project Epsilon Type Growl 46
393 Down. 34
394 fail 15
395 idk 39
396 Another Serum like growl thingy 18
397 Serum Growl.wav 57
398 Deathstep basses 26
399 Free Growl 44
400 Failed draft 14
401 gay type beat 52
402 Free Choir pad 36
403 Having fun :) 14
404 Failed Collab w/CC 269
405 When you teleport in Terraria 70
406 Apocalypse. (AT Day 2019) 340
407 Project Piano 29
408 slipping away 680
409 Oof.oof 34
410 Sharing is caring 44
411 Jealous? (Riddim Teaser) 26
412 idek anymore 105
413 Audiotool Day 2019 (TheClient Entry) 393
414 I'm still alive 26
415 Colour bass 18
416 Overtone challenge 41
417 Teaser 29
418 Imagine getting a 2% 16
419 Code: Pandorum x Aimless - Severed (TheClient Remake) 34
420 Producer's Block 11
421 Whats to come Pt.2 (Wip) 25
422 YoYi 9
423 Percussion growl 26
424 this is p big draft 60
425 ----12000p 66
426 Piano.yoy 13
427 Artificial Death metal Yoy Scream 34
428 Moombathon Test 137
429 Whats to come (Wip) 14
430 Ambience fixed? 19
431 Dont collab with him JoVee 43
432 Execution (Ft. JoVee) 77
433 Deep Horn (Remixable!) 67
434 Best yoy in AT? 90
435 Another growl 16
436 Riddim 17
437 Not a yoy 17
438 y0y-yoyoyoyo-y0y-y0y-y0y-y0y-y0y-y0y-y0y 20
439 More yoy's 37
440 yoy-yoy-oy-oy-yooooooooy 57
441 Here Luxx :) 49
442 Electric Guitar! 129
443 Go (Short Track) 77
444 Kick Growl 10
445 Growl 50
446 KUJO (Short Track) 21
447 7 min beat 17
448 Color. 160
450 OFV 28
451 Some Asian style music. 142
452 GRAND PIANO!! 374
453 No Idea what to do with this 68
454 Woah, What is this? 42
455 Dusk. (One sample) 375
456 Is this 808 too powerful? 15
457 S I R E N 30
458 Trenches 11
459 |V I O L E N C E| 42
460 Um, Melodic Dubstep? 45
461 Sum moar narly growls. 15
462 Woah dude, thats sum narly growls 30
463 Edm? 27
464 Some Riddim 48
465 I made a melody for Vulk 60
466 Namahage, do you like this? 11
467 SirZero - Failed collab? w/TheClient 6
468 Trumpet!! (Remix it) 6
469 A-e-r-o-s 15
470 Some really awesome Asian koto 66
471 I used no samples for this Big Room track 25
472 Piano melody 122
473 TREASON! (No sample remix) 29
474 I was Stupid 34
475 Forever. 262
476 Dubstep snare V.S. Metal snare 32
477 Sn-are 20
478 Xtraz. 135
479 No samples 41
480 Did I do it right? 54
481 HealthyTrade, why have you done this to us. 17
482 Orange Justice 264
483 Oxide 153
484 HOW!??! 63
485 Experimenting 24
486 Is this a good bell? 84
487 Some cool 808 sliding trap 22
488 Definitely not a "lil uzi type beat" 78
489 TheClient & G3ar_bot - Frightfest 313
490 Experimenting with the Space 11
491 Some really cool lead 16
492 Something Spooky 24
493 Namahage do something with this draft. 17
494 TheClient & G3ar_bot - Devastation 47
495 Someone do do something with this b4 I delete it in anger. 40
496 Gone. 38
497 wOt 3
498 Eleven. 220
499 What a cool melody 12
500 Twinkle Twinkle Little Star (Growl) 30
501 G L O W S T O N E - (Prod. BLXCKSPXDE x 悲しい ) 82
502 Lofi. 11
503 Weird trap 5
504 Pulse. 16
505 Growl 6
506 Beat these growls Infectzion! 21
507 SIREN & OFV - Katana (Growl Edit) 34
508 mystic. 251
509 Guys, I made a Pyro Lead! 8
510 Duck toy sound 15
511 Trash or nah? 12
512 Pieces 32
513 What, this sounds like an instrument :O 133
514 Growl Remix competition (Bass music) 36
515 Aha! I win G3ar_bot! 23
516 Beat these Growls G3ar_bot! 54
517 Yoy I think 17
518 I did another Gspin 26
519 Godly Trap Intro 14
520 I tried to do a GSPIN 150
521 Sad melody 11
522 Cool Melody 14
523 Beat Demo 10
524 Have some nasty growls!!! 12
525 Cool Trap Melody 11
526 Remix comp! 237
527 This is weird, but awesome! 23
528 Height. 46
529 Pulse 37
531 Haters 77
532 The Unforgiven 21
533 Kill 28
534 My best Trap Melodies. 12
535 Little Doodle 10
536 Yoy.wav 25
537 Free Melody to use 22
538 Micro 26
539 A cool Melody :) 8
540 Flame 10
541 Ty FreeStyle 16
542 Tass Besting 14
543 War 148
544 Make a drop for me. 31
545 Generic Trap Drop 79
546 I can't sleep - (Prod. BLXCKSPXDE x TheClient) 100
547 This is my new dog 15
548 Stars 10
549 God Speed 56
550 I got bored. 10
551 Trap Shat 16
552 ___|L O S T|___ 46
553 Space Journey (Unfinished) 21
554 Is this Trash Namahage? 15
555 Is this a good skin for my Kriss Vector? 18
556 Together (Dark Trap Beat) 22
557 Namahage = God 39
558 Gold 10
559 Another amazing Space reese! 28
560 Rap beat for a friend (Unique) 16
561 Namahage, My reese is better. 23
562 Simple Trap 19
563 Desire 29
564 Scream!!!! 9
565 Abstract 194
566 200 Follower Special 44
567 Stalker 116
568 Heros 66
569 CCD 22
570 Hi Ash (Sad Melody) 2
571 D R O P D E A D 99
572 burn 100
573 Together (Dark Trap Beat) 123
574 Can I join USOz? 12
575 The Backyardigans (TheClient Flip) 88
576 Momo be like 9
577 fAt mAn (GE eFfeCt) 191
578 Ty Freestyle x TheClient 36
579 = = = D A R K = = = 273
580 Simple Trap 23
581 IDek 15
582 Some Chinese Dubstep 127
583 Arabian Deserts 61
584 What 27 mins of work sounds like 17
585 Space pt. 3 31
586 I'm desperate for a collab 55
587 Trappin Astro 210
588 Distant 54
589 CLUB BANGER 420 69 (Client Bass Boost and edit) {EXTREME BASS WARNING!} 26
590 Anger 27
591 I'm really getting into Bass Music, I might not make Trap anymor 39
592 Diverse 75
593 Best drop I've ever made. 57
594 Far Away 165
595 Unique 152
596 Best AT Artist [808 edit] 50
597 My mothers day gift 100
598 Unfinished Dubstep 81
599 Snio Type beat? 84
600 l σ st 89
601 F A S T 112
602 Silver w/Client 169
603 Mountains 101
604 G A M E O V E R 360
605 I pulled a Project Epsilon 95
606 Destiny 521
607 Idk 27
608 legendary 180
609 Forgive 301
610 Gunshot 109
611 Fallen 135
612 What the drop should have been 124
613 Nuclear Fusion 131
614 Space pt.2 90
615 Space 282
616 Slaughter 129
617 ohok 105
618 YBS Half Lab (Short Trap Remix) 177
619 Here's something to cry to... 198
620 YBS Half Lab 348
621 Venom 257
622 Mercy 287
623 Trap Piano Track? 62
624 Saddest Melody 68
625 L O V E 100
626 Some Drop 67
627 Sabotage 366
628 Diggin 737
629 Can I please join YBS? 77
630 Aqua God 134
631 Bass Down Low 171
632 Another tearout shot that will be sample 34
633 Untitled experiment 29
634 vtwadsandaa but it has an electric guitar 62
635 Live Session 83
636 B L O O D M O O N 200
637 Meaningful 196
638 phat reese 72
640 what the heck john 30
641 Whispers of Death 3863
642 I am TheClient [Intro] 1824
643 SpaceYeti's 30 min sample challenge 89
644 Rock3tbox's sample challenge [Wind Chimes Edition] 253
645 How do I metal? 193
646 C# thing 59
647 experimenting with different sound design 56
648 MARAUDA type screech 91
649 idk 18
650 what 14
651 amgry beat shitty remix 62
652 Colour bass demo 64
653 ok 27
654 wonmp 30
655 tearout shot fail 33
656 trap melody I found in my drafts 36
657 colour bass fail 50
658 Revive 369
659 Fake Phaser 39
660 Comb Filtering (Pulsar edition) 56
661 another growl that's decent 75
662 Untitled Beat 105
663 more tearout shots 126
664 Untitled mel 25
665 ugly wob 21
666 Stereo vs Mono 32
667 oh lovely, another bass 43
668 cats 82
669 Dear Toaster, 97
670 experimenting again 19
671 A draft I found from a year ago 24
672 what 27
673 another old draft 23
674 An old trap beat I made 40
675 I'm bored :| 28
676 c h o n k 58
677 crunchy taco 169
678 Bloodbath [Read description] 1416
679 KVT | THRXVT [Client edit] 115
680 Risers 69
681 e g g s__ But I ruined it 91
682 For Grawlix 117
683 Overcomplicated bass that isnt even good :( 78
684 I can't make tracks anymore 100
685 hello 205
686 I dont plan to make this into something 100
687 Draft template 46
688 Mag Dumper [WIP] 314
689 I found a bassline replacement :D 209
690 Just a sinewave 60
691 Killer 1240
692 tonematrix bass 67
693 roddom preview 1907
694 Vibrato Bass 47
695 transformer sound 55
696 Velociraptor talking from Jurassic Park or a metallic sneeze? 180
697 i like ya Waveshaper g 100
698 I made a cool sound 385
699 No OTT vs OTT 81
700 Here have this for free fellow AT'lers 140
701 Here is a demo 115
702 Asylum [WIP] 77
703 gutter growl 99
704 Death bass with pulv 68
705 !!!New Prod Tag!!! 24
706 Some Beats. 67
707 Free Vibrato bass 81
708 Space Kick & RawStyle 65
709 Epic Space Screech 123
710 Ugly Space Bass 81
711 huehuheueheuheueyhh 5617
712 Ride and Cymbal 74
713 My first Vibrato bass on Audiotool. 67
714 Phatest Reese I've ever made 99
715 growl.wav 99
716 Bass Test 2 218
717 Does any Artist want this sound design? 138
718 Ay Lukas, use this 808 ;) 99
719 AT FM 101
720 Excision Screech lead 79
721 ATDB bass shot 43
722 Mega Teaser 254
723 thoinks for 1K, here's a one time demo thing :) 698
724 I need this sample. 47
725 Blank 271
726 ugly 17 min growl 75
728 Untitled draft from a year ago 38
729 this was my first track on this account 57
730 2-8-21 73
731 wieners 84
732 ugly screech 32
733 pure disappointment 27
734 AC [WIP] 117
735 pulv screech 47
736 crap neuro bass 22
737 garbage XD 80
738 wee wee woo woo type of bass 51
739 when you OTT your synth to oblivion 105
740 I think I inverse farted 105
741 need these samples for Ableton 40
742 free wonkie 90
743 when 839
744 I can't make stuff heavy :( 57
745 Brass that I need for Ableton 30
746 Untitled 48
747 nostalgia. w/ Client 267
748 failed collab with Client 305
749 Trying Moonboy's Reverse Sidechain technique 136
750 ererf 60
751 need this koto I made 45
752 Samples that I MUST HAVE for Ableton 48
753 ok 54
754 grol 57
755 Metallic neuro bass 82
756 this took 4 mins lmao 81
757 space bass #812 123
759 WIP 87
760 bored 84
761 no idea 86
762 I messed this up 87
763 Monster Growl 102
764 beans 268
765 another bass 184
766 My first successful Vibrato bass 143
767 Monster Growl edit [VIP] 198
768 Industrial machines 375
769 Siren that I need for Ableton 128
770 *Npesta yes* 2.0 But better 72
771 cool thing I remade-ish 43
772 Stupid nya uwu bass 88
773 Go (Short Track) [Edit] 38
774 Tonematrix 875
775 something lame 60
776 polymorphic 319
777 trash 44
778 Some sort of a tribal horn 157
779 Me trying to be Agony, but failing terribly 53
780 Something old 39
781 Free EDM Trap Melody 141
782 Cool Sci-Fi noises 79
783 Impending doom [WIP] 315
784 abstraction [Short track] 168
785 Free Phase Bass 91
786 free sack of pulvs 57
787 Chewing five gum type beat 300
788 Industrial machines (But with better drums) 124
789 Trap Metal 808 107
790 Another free bass 89
791 miscellaneous bass 97
792 cool 303! much WOAH 126
793 The Only Thing They Fear Is You (Small remake) 272
794 Another Metal WIP 295
795 rage/future bass remix comp edit 262
796 speedrun growl 110
797 The perfect hard hitting Riddim kick 104
798 Death or Glory 3940
799 weird bass edits 66
800 some bass house donks 84
801 Free spooky fog horn 101
802 Entitled [Short beat] 87
803 growl with 909 77
804 ok 62
805 poop 76
806 909 (BAD) 1090
807 experimenting with Autofilter 51
808 shit tearout 94
809 mega saw 55
810 weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee 76
811 Dancey stuff [edit] 79
812 bass wob thingy 58
813 C19 [Failed draft] 241
814 I think this is AT, idk can't remember lol 39
815 Heros V2 [Failed-sh] 67
816 shit shit shit 76
817 trying out Vault's samples 99
818 Old collab with BubbLz 80
819 U n t i t l e d 73
820 bas 51
821 Potential Experimentation -- Bass Edit 47
822 dumb experiment 45
823 (Insert name) - cutie (Client dead cover) Fuck DopeSlonger :) 67
824 Weird garbage bell 80
825 tu 159
826 more horn 73
827 Whispers of Death [Revamp] 1675
829 giving someone feedback on drum patterns in a discord 41
830 Untitled 44
831 something for someone 29
832 failed thing 51
833 Sound Design 2 [Edit] 86
834 reese dnb 187
835 Might make this a track 316
836 old thing 73
837 I made a bass, have it for free :) 90
838 Tickoffah type beat 79
839 hornie 64
840 SWLAST [Edit] 88
841 Dark Heart [Trap VIP Failed] 89
842 Fear [Unfinished] 95
843 Dark Heart [Failed draft] 124
844 made a cool cinematic reese that I'll most likely never use 80
845 I'm tired of you 53
846 dumb experiment 55
847 Trap bell (Free) 75
848 guitar flute 119
849 tried to do a remake 113
850 hiatus break growl 113
851 dumb 37
852 bass I made in 2 seconds 54
853 failed remix thing 35
854 June growl 74
855 Skull. [VIP] 122
856 doo doo growl 52
857 AkaAku x Client - Four zero four 203
858 bored 61
859 Tenebrous World 813
860 Once known 4283
861 Impending doom [Unfinished] 859
862 I need these for Ableton ;-; 62
863 Before and After 64
864 Bass because I'm nervous 61
865 Free Cinematic intro 148
866 Hardest TRAP BEAT ON DA JOINT!! 54
867 when the OTT 53
868 Stealing my own guns for Ableton 73
869 Electric guitar with space 97
870 something for ableton 33
871 Using Pulv input as a Phaser! 59
872 Doodling 94
873 .]knocked [?#!] 72
874 more samples for Ableton 41
875 Cli_ID_Abolish 86
876 Bass (Bounce?) house 261
877 need this for resampling purposes 68
878 totally not stealing some riddim basses for our favorite daw Ableton, no no no.... Couldn't be me. 43
879 for more resampling 24
880 Something I am working on in Ableton 55
881 Another Ableton ID 51
882 garbage wob 40
883 Descending pain [preview] 210
884 trap snares for ableton 44
885 trap kicks for ableton 45
886 cinematic bass hit 166
887 something for someone 40
888 Some kurea bass replication 57
889 something for Ableton then for AT lol (you'll see) 30
890 Zen x joVee x Client - Music Production Pack [TEASER] 155
891 H 413
892 I eatn't chairs 130
893 Marauda be like 75
894 k 84
895 don't listen to this on speakers 52
896 pulv laugh 203
897 Stuff I turned into samples for AT day 93
898 Ice cream sundae 199
899 Notorious 2.0 2274
900 At the edge of the horizon [Client's AT Day Entry] 3545
901 Going to turn this into a wavetable for Serum 50
902 sssssssssssssssssssssssssss 83
903 Spooky DnB remix thing 115
904 what shit sounds like 204
905 ol' koto I made 80
906 Bass Nation type beat 81
907 setup reveal 54
908 SELFSKYLINE [Client Remix] 1421
909 \].hehehehehe 42
910 Can somone invite me? 75
911 Grave Yard 142
912 Dark Energy 186
913 some bs :| 89
914 Omnistic 151
915 Night Lovell - Dark Light [Nautical x Client Flip] 2694
916 Get er done 52
917 old draft collab 50
918 Volen, but better and made in Audiotool 96
919 2019 Client 48
920 I hate my life 142
921 Audiotool sucks for meaty growls 72
922 am gonig to highpiss your're sub 96
923 As your life crumbles before your eyes 2937
924 e 105
925 tones for serum 57
926 call for order ft.client / Im Sorry (preview) 64
927 Idk 30 min doodle 93
928 Might make this a full track 242
929 new growl sound design experiment 216
930 Phattest reese on AT? 202
931 Perdition x Client - Fallout 491
932 Failed draft 78
933 experiment #700? 159
934 Failed draft 175
935 help i got my dick stuck in a my dads pocket while he was sleepi 93
936 Loosen 134
937 transition growl 67
938 2008 Dubstep 186
939 Should I make this into a full track? 280
940 Another intro thing 57
941 Free Cinematic horn 185
942 Bad color bass 215
943 Vault boy x Client - ID 418
944 Nothing lasts forever 169
945 X89 [WIP] 998
946 For you... (old draft) 45
947 Screams of death 79
948 epic bnagner 76
949 small doodle 46
950 yoy because goofy 69
951 failed briddim drop 108
952 failed jetdarc type beat 83
953 funk attempt 217
954 Kick I need for Ableton #23 39
955 Cyberpunk ID 69
956 Cyberpunk ID V2 237
957 need this for ableton 41
958 free shitty trap 808 60
959 Rest in piss 128
960 cybersex 102
961 sickomode russian hard style bassy boy 318
962 Cool free melody 90
963 Dark Techno Doodle 129
964 AFC [Client Edit] 99
965 Vault boy type bass 101
966 gr 64
967 Zerod's 1.5K Remix Comp [Client Edit] 111
968 Mega pad 122
969 ex 446
970 HeadSplitter (Old draft from 2 years ago) 79
971 draft from a year ago, but I updated it a little 52
972 Audiotool Virtual Riot 179
973 PLSS [Extent] 992
974 Disperser on a square wave 180
975 Sound design thing with client 234
976 garbo 173
977 Short doodle 158
978 Untitled 71
979 who need they robussy ate? 71
980 Odyssey [Client Flip] (to be continued) 191
981 Chaos [Teaser] 129
982 #CockAndGunTortureAwareness 60
983 sunglasses emoji 74
984 30 min phonk 262
985 Blaze (couldn't finish because lag) 133
986 Odyssey 2963
987 how far can I go? 50
988 Simple mega pad 67
989 Old Experiment with Zen 46
990 you are a silly little man 213
991 I love fresh air 131
992 Old draft from 2019 73
993 free 104
994 Client Femboy impression 203
995 2 hour doodle 104
996 peak sneak peak 74
997 something amidst (rough draft) 168
998 cool melody 69
999 something amidst 7413
1000 tonematrix bass thing 97
1001 whatever bass 90
1002 Ring mod sustain 67
1003 Free cinematic reese 93
1004 Work in progress 300
1005 Good mood synthwave 87
1006 That good feeling [WIP] 279
1007 star wars ambience 72
1008 messing around 54
1009 cool bell 78
1010 metal tearing 114
1011 muscle tearing 65
1012 Last Instinct [Unfinished] 389
1013 Just sinewaves :> 224
1014 love doodle 151
1015 Turning gears - client moomaker collab 74
1016 test 75
1017 Are you still confused? 123
1018 Audiotool Riddim Monster [Client failed remix] 177
1019 kurea lol 109
1020 Failed draft #1 111
1021 Dungeon [Failed draft #2] 175
1022 VB x Client - ID 75
1023 I can't anymore 119
1024 Failed draft #3 90
1025 Untitled 72
1026 Practicing Horror sound design 198
1027 failed drop 203
1028 old draft 86
1029 Drop contest (Failed) 131
1030 Purry forn 112
1031 Untitled layering testing 208
1032 need this for Ableton 64
1033 Backburner (Vulkron's Entry) [Thicker chords] 279
1034 Dark Deep House ID 152
1035 dinosaur screech 162
1036 ball 89
1037 Hotline (ft. sumad) 3409
1038 Cinematic Synth Brass 103
1039 Cinematic bass hit 89
1040 Death or Glory (fixed bass) 362
1041 resonate 393
1042 recursive 302
1043 Hey guys 374
1044 I don't remember making this 101
1045 reese that I don't want to use anymore 107
1046 Ideas 213
1047 idk 92
1048 I don't know what to do 211
1049 Kicks I want for Ableton 66
1050 Sooo, I found the secret to having loud mixes 137
1051 Hau to zerod growl 109
1052 :/ 78
1053 hardcore kick I guess 115
1054 Some sick 2016 EDM trap lead thing 64
1055 coom (literally -0.01 db away from clipping lmfao) 82
1056 onlyfans.com/clientelle 88
1057 I can finally rest in peace 207
1058 dum 110
1059 idk 182
1060 doodle 134
1061 doodle 2 96
1062 fft/vocoder attempt 2 (not music) [Client fuck-around] 112
1063 ??? 67
1064 Once known [Fixed bass] 203
1065 doodle 3 170
1066 yay 81
1067 Assure [Client Remix] 3007
1068 How To Agony Walker 298
1069 Negative and Positive Comb filter [?] 93
1070 Client's Negative/Positive Comb Filter but i made a bass out of 201
1071 "just get good it's not that hard" 246
1072 1840 was a good year 98
1073 Dotbox - Guardian [Client Tearhop remix] 132
1074 I think I stumbled upon something amazing 87
1075 Client - OTT V1 130
1076 Client - Frequency Shifter V1 232
1077 Cool distorted Tearout bass 1 177
1078 Bladerunner Type beat 231
1079 I was going to start working on a serious track, but this works too 167
1080 Addressing the allegations. 295
1081 haha feedback 67
1082 Cool distorted Tearout bass 2 186
1083 Marauda x Phonon - in a nutshell 367
1084 color bass [CROW edit] 497
1085 STVG screech 107
1086 Soph - Assure [CROWNST Remix] 258
1087 I fixed your dumb nice chord progression 174
1088 idk 55
1089 What instrument is this? 128
1090 i made it worse 101
1091 bro what 59
1092 stop using this bullshit 171
1093 What if I told you that this was Audiotool? 220
1094 Cinematic bassline disperser hit 79
1095 i followed a tutorial [Edit] 131
1096 1500 [dw [Crow remix] 127
1097 BO2 Type beat 1768
1098 doodle 4 191
1099 S!CKSMVSHER type beat 42
1100 Mercury [Edit] 72
1101 Trap ID 255
1102 Mix practicing with one of Frigolito's tracks 175
1103 Fuck you 487
1104 Stop using this bullshit 2.0 84
1105 po9t - Remix Comp (sndcult remix) (CROWNST Remix) 341
1106 Virtual riot in a nutshell 225
1107 Cool Distorted Tearout Bass 3 139
1108 Angels from Heaven 245
1109 Cutest noise on Audiotool 197
1110 sickomode Ukrainian hard style bassy boy 326
1111 rawstyle kick with Pulv 128
1112 cybernuts 471
1113 Really shit idea 136
1114 Bass House - Track 2 85
1115 Amidst thine pain 2009
1116 what 68
1117 gnome 99
1118 I made his bass better 997
1119 doodle 5 516
1120 Cbat303 (MID) 38
1121 what icebox stans hear vs what he actually posts 263
1122 Untitled 41
1123 Hotline VIP fail 248
1124 Pans and snares 130
1125 I figured out how to be Agony 86
1126 Phat Sub 1000
1127 Vader - Hacked (Client remix fail) 216
1128 ウサウセ 60
1129 I remixed a live collab 82
1130 Mid/Side EQ 125
1131 Doodle 6 401
1132 Doodle 7 3182
1133 Doddle 8 325
1134 Another cinematic Synth hit 354
1135 hiding 87
1136 Sophisticated Acid bass 125
1137 Untitled 70
1138 BULLY 2023 (bass flip) 160
1139 PLSS [Client (Re)-mix] 115
1140 moral void 113
1141 // 67
1142 Beat Tape v.10 4414
1143 ID 4 edit 391
1144 Eyes on me 516
1145 Helping a friend in need 304
1146 Kitchen Warfare 1492
1147 Doodle 9 482
1148 bass 235
1149 epic marauda screech 172
1150 po9t's Grand piano recreation challenge 215
1151 What (3 year old draft) 111
1152 doodle 5.2 320
1153 @uzeh collab? 417
1154 Doodle 10 255
1155 just an idea (not done) [Client Remix] 995
1156 vault boy screaming at mexican men in a video game 384
1157 ableton id 271
1159 reddatrap (remix) 202
1160 marauda in a NUTSHELL 136
1161 I made a cool supertrap sfx with a horrible sample 173
1162 Taco Bell Dub 2758
1163 amber alert 276
1164 Ballistic 184
1165 cool pad ig 232
1166 worst drop of them all [Client edit] 299
1167 failed drop 17
1168 You have no idea Fuckm.m Going home NOW I might run I need this 272
1169 carnival 54
1170 Driving Lithuania- SIGNS 1115
1171 everything I've done is for you 612
1172 mean 295
1173 po9t REMIX COMP 6 (Client remix) 1699
1174 Give me a chance w / RedShadoWizard (Teaser) 141
1175 Free reese 150
1176 Trappy colorbass ID (Client Remix) 2397
1177 HOTSPOT 155
1178 i am even more mentally ill 216
1179 Spooky Season (Boo!) [Client failed remix] 232
1180 plis listen to my song 347
1181 pretty mean 1545
1182 techno 273
1183 Handpan fuckery 125
1184 vent song 185
1185 forget me 1025
1186 f#ck you!! 3652
1187 Backstabber 2529
1188 void 710
1189 addicted to poison 860
1190 DnB idea 244
1191 i did it 41
1192 I made something out of that 67
1193 TRD (CLIP) 291
1194 worst sound ever 30
1195 roy type beat 419
1196 joVee Explores Visual Arts (Episode One) 143
1197 cinematic ID from the depths of my ableton 74
1198 jovee loses his penis (episode two) 75
1199 horoscope 2350
1200 Reconnect 96
1201 FORGE CHASER 3446
1202 Step yo game up 790
1203 snare (remix) 101
1205 doodle 8 102
1206 Mind Prison 313
1207 Warzone (KUAIM COD ENTRY) 1782
1208 I made some drums 153
1209 dariacore 1456
1210 idk what im doing anymore lol 53
1211 true variance [KUAIM Remix] 803
1212 atmosload (KUAIM EDIT) 575
1213 Untitled (edit) 188
1214 HARDSTYLE producer challenge (not cooking) 249
1215 VILE [KUAIM REMIX] 1976
1216 C418 - Aria Math [KUAIM REMIX] 1290
1217 Static memories (Album Teaser) 98
1218 Backstabber [cleaner mix] 148
1219 publish 54
1221 publish 2, electric boogaloo 66
1222 FORGE CHASER (Reupload w/ original draft) 1577
1223 Grip 459
1225 Assure [Client Remix] (newer version) 141
1226 KUAIM - Data breach (BulletBound OST Track #1) 223
1227 fleshy 322
1228 butter 331
1229 By The Books (Jetdarc's 1.5K Remix Contest) [Reupload] 108
1230 Teaser (itxmi x Taiko x Client) 116
1231 ass 85
1232 iron 2160
1233 Out of Time (Unfinished) 99
1234 a good mel ig (Client Edit) 53
1235 balls 374
1236 make it happen (artist's block) 476
1237 PHASE PILOT x Client - ID1 1021
1238 Take My Hand 361
1239 TEASER 1236
1240 here's how I make my basses 129
1241 Distraction 144
1242 vocal pluck made with synth 58
1243 Eternity- Cyberpunk Mix(w/ virux) [CLIENT DROP EDIT] 1064
1244 XPERNIS 135
1245 yeah 90
1246 yeah 2.0 64
1247 ▶+⦿Burst V.2 # [KUAIM Remix] 1679
1248 mistakes [ATD] 2818

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