"I already said it in the comments: I have great feelings when I hear it. Dabrig is a master of little details, everyone should listen to him more often. Do it now!"
"Tickoffah created lots of space-filling dark Techno tracks that are not discovered yet. As he forgot to tag his tracks, I'll have a try: Dark, Techno, Goa, Hardstyle, Progressive. Listen to his tracks for a minute or two and you'll probably be amazed."
"I like it because it feels epic, powerful and interesting to me every time. It has melody, bass, drums and a great vibe. The idea was to create a track based on a pad in the background. This "pad" is still in it, but it sounds more like a horn-release-thingy now. It's everywhere in the track. It pitches up one octave at
which makes it even more powerful in this part.
I also like the thick bass coming in at
, the one with the excessive chorus effect.
The kick is maybe a bit too loud on some speakers or some headphones.
But it's one of the few tracks I'd instantly play to a lot of people.
I searched a lot to find a cover art that describes what I feel when I hear this track.
It's taken from a movie called "Sucker Punch". The scenes after that one is sadly pretty absurd."
Its people like you who constantly make others step a little further into the fray, forcing a new inspiration to emerge from a carcass of ripenning reimagined ideas