Moogfest 2014 - Top 100

Total playing time: 6:41:50

This album includes the 100 submissions that made it through the first round of the Moogfest Audiotool competition. This is a randomly sorted shortlist, the order of the tracks does not denote any kind of ranking.

1 Summer In Shelkino 3805
2 woes 1744
3 waldensian 1527
4 Waiting For You 1253
5 Vivid 248
6 Utopian (5 Min Edit) 485
7 Untitled 932
8 Uncharted 533
9 trip 17 9416
10 Time Is Candy (with Ignapon3, Luxior, Almate, Teqtoniq and Kavil) 5119
11 theoretische physik moog edit 313
12 The Trip, The Flow 2875
13 The Space Inside 403
14 The New Groove 234
15 The Forgotten One 300
16 Swimming to Germany 1564
17 Sweet Lies 358
18 Such Party 647
19 Streets too hot 439
20 Stream of Blue (Abridged) 252
21 Storm(Original Mix) 125
22 Stardrops 7541
23 Some where in time 1210
24 sjómaður 3014
25 Sisters (Original Mix) 135
26 Sin(x) 294
27 Siento!:) 1421
28 Shield Of Fire 1332
29 Set Phazers to..... Everything 2177
30 Sequence I (5-Min Edit) 337
31 Run 838
32 Robot.java 319
33 ritual 1120
34 River 14188
35 quiter tone 506
36 Pluck you, you son of a pluck! 1917
38 Perseus Concourse 698
39 pain has an element of blank 409
40 October Nocturne 1892
41 No Rest 91
42 Moon 448
43 Moog Me Hard 950
44 melody-man 575
45 MCT-05 (5 Minute Edit) 208
46 Lost 101
47 Lost 14659
48 Late Night Whisper 95
49 KTN-Moogfest 2 315
50 Juana 219
51 I've missed you, too 809
52 Its Big 116
53 Intrigue in America Moog Contest Mix 85
54 Intermezzo 1696
55 insert name here 4078
57 Hyperspace 554
58 Hunger (5 minute edit) 964
59 Hold Me 712
60 Highway 868
61 Half Light 1189
62 Guidance 602
63 GRIK3:)! 1336
64 Good Times :D 1147
65 Funky Puke 371
66 Forgive 716
67 Frij & Carly - Sensual English Muffins 1810
68 fanfare (entry 1) 544
70 Endless Roads 181
71 En dag 1606
72 Elevate 2806
73 distant moons 381
74 Cosmos Echoes 402
75 Cosmic Sea 105
76 Consent 3341
77 Coconut Cosmonaut 3057
79 chromologie 316
80 Chip-shooter 782
81 BT006 1551
82 Brigidino Boogie 12381
83 Boogie-Moogie 11146
84 BLVCK Forest(HipHop/R&B Instrumental) 2319
85 Blurry Apples 5167
86 Beneath the Surface 717
87 Anaconda (original mix) 437
88 Air (5 minute edit) 1108
89 5ea tommorow 480
90 30 Below 703
91 #001 369
92 *:/()//* 245

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  • 100th fav

  • anything by me?

  • @Parad1gm Please don't complain bout not making it. I know it was a while ago but that irratates to a high level.

  • man...I wish i knew how far i made it...

  • Didnt make it.. hopefully they'll do another one of these contests soon!

  • Parad1gm, you didn't make the cut because your track wasn't good enough. That wasn't hard, now was it?

  • some bomb material here....i know what to listen during the next month...congrats all ;)

  • Two years ago, I get to know Audiotool and that marks the beginning of digital music for me. Now, at least I know I've gotten better than what I was years ago. It takes time!

  • 6. envy

  • @para , I think we have a talents in us when we were born...it can be supported in different ways and developed as you say... judging about when talents have qualitis is made by societys in different Zeitgeist... (I only scratch the surface) ;)

  • @Parad1gm i don't think there is a reason for you to take it personally.. there are still 1073 tracks that didn't make the cut. it would be impossible for audiotool to explain to everyone why they didn't make it! This is the biggest competition yet! Cheer up, and keep making music! You're just under 14 and you have lots of time to learn and imporve. If you're dedicated enough, you'll have your time to shine in a year, two or a few doesn't matter.. :)

  • I think nothing should be taken personal... I would be for sure as well dissapointed, if was not in that Top 100. ...but appart of skills, we can see here that those 100 just somehow hit the nerve. Everyone who made a little remixcompetition made the xeperience how hard it is sometimes to sort out, somewhen dicissions have to be done.

  • Is it me or they just reverse the order of this compilation? It seems to go Z -> * now

  • .... 7 hour radioshow

  • porno music