
Total playing time: 6:20:43

complete list of my songs

1 emre inspired 23
2 naswalt alt hoodtrap 76
3 Untitled 24
4 freddy fazfein [walstyle] 783
5 merc 21
6 flawless 1342
8 ok 32
9 food! 54
10 REDROOM 709
11 loss 1729
13 i think ive learned proper dariacore chords 175
14 jerky 95
15 New Year's celebratory live Major_Flux collab 215
16 ericdoa creamed inside me and now im makin dis song 30
17 Earthly Tether 332
18 ロボトミー手術 2440
19 lets see if i can laevent 17
20 1 in a 1000 year hurricane 221
21 worse Together 25
22 machiniste doodles 14
23 Dance 207
24 Together 88
25 chronic balls 35
26 night 04 200
27 freddy fazfein [throwaway] 247
28 cvfgccccccc this is like weird idk 37
29 ana dont set off the alarm 2 19
30 ana dont set off the alarm 14
31 MEMEZ XD ( Hyperpop ) 73
32 I want my Oreo milk dunked in cow sandwich cookie 104
33 i made this while muted but then it was sorta ass so i made mino 37
34 old draft i sent to someone and they declined idk why 53
35 I'm on parole but I'm still buying crack // johnny sins pays my 143
36 All the baddies check the weather app and the fact you don't know the weather tells me all I need to know 123
37 I delude myself with visions of grandeur 110
38 The smoking gun 142
39 The earth has cancer and that cancer is man 52
40 26 dead Hookers in my basement come up and get me 100
41 break ur neck and die bitch // black tar Heroin Lips kiss you 80
42 social deviance 91
43 The way she made my heart flutter 167
44 An amalgamation of my thoughts // cultural vice 265
45 sell out song 1300
46 I'm a eco terrorist 698
47 song i made while muted idk wut dis sound like im in a zoom clas 20
49 songs and music and SEAMORETHESEAL!!! and ripping off quinn again 77
50 bookmark my asshole phase 4 13
51 roy says dubstep is evil 42
52 trying to roy (prod. @jonasboneass) 209
53 foto dujon 139
54 jerk beat (off) 75
55 fucking a duck 34
56 draft dump (public collab) 19
57 draft dump (zayne song) 13
58 draft dump (let go (shoegaze remix)) 40
59 draft dump (stutter) 17
60 draft dump (theyfriend) 18
61 draft dump (rip dance music dariacore) 25
62 draft dump 22
63 spectral loop 25
64 Miss The Rage 158
65 say drake; i hear you like butt 72
66 Glitter spinach is a degradation of real hard working spinach an 1330
67 jersey brazil super trap thing? 81
68 she felt like dying .. (bad) but now she feels like dying !! (good) 134
69 sorry cover (quinn) 31
70 you make the sun shine in my life 86
71 scro flip 101
72 bazilian fuck 49
73 nasty freak 159
74 shoegaze mastering practice 125
75 good idea 41
76 the night out on meth 1068
77 botanica 56
78 vocal-stimcore 95
79 pherogoo boss fight! / infinite desolation 118
80 dont make rave challenge 39
81 ummm rave music dj music 52
82 public collab cuz idk i want inspiration (im chonoes alt) 26
83 this is music 43
84 1 trillion dogs 74
85 draft dumping like im retro 2 375
86 for zack TWO! 74
87 astral supremacy- rg tapes vol. 3 152
88 first attempt at dariacore w/ Chronoes [WIP] 882
89 redguy tapes vol. 3 1070
90 backin it up 480
91 chonoes makes the wrost beats 41
92 kurp sound but gud >:D 176
93 State of Purgatory 786
94 You think this is funny? 433
95 Producer Playoffs day 1 [CHONOES IN THE HOUSE] 73
96 kwipc: bro think he auareolin wyvern 16
97 kwipc: one note trash 17
98 kiwi mega mossulk 408
99 KWIPC january entries 108
100 dazzling devices 140
101 lazer taught me well 24
102 KWIPC: 45 minutes of sauce sum ness 45
103 jonas remixes jonas 263
104 KWIPC: all together 21
105 KWIPC: song using a monophonic synth 12
106 KWIPC: song using polyphonic synths, mid range 19
107 KWIPC: song using only bass and drums 14
108 KWIPC: broke artist - 1 month 33
109 SILLY BILLIES STRIKE AGAIN! - Dreamhack Producer Playoffs (Day 3 115
110 SILLY BILLIES - Dreamhack Producer Playoffs (Day 2) 61
112 Kawaii khords? (Sneak peak/Wip) 137
113 looney(SNeak peak) 101
114 happy birthday itdoi! 26
115 this sucks 51
116 redguy tapes vol. 2 687
117 stuck in perpetual confusion 292
118 lll remix 254
119 got bored at school 46
120 random melody from my brain 35
121 KWIPC: random collab - 45 minutes 555
122 KWIPC: old school - 45 minutes 216
123 KWIPC: sample kid - 45 mins 60
124 iphone 4 50
125 idea 107
126 fantavision... (with chonoes) 49
127 Sinai Desert 217
128 To Alphonzo 250
129 Gortnite Foku 30
130 Erik Satie - Gymnopédie No. 1 (9a) 45
131 sila's challenge (9b) 186
132 redguy tapes vol. 1 308
133 sunshine beach 48
134 is time for espooky 250
135 Smallest and laggiest draft ever (+) 9
136 ivy x Chonoes collab 60
138 hour project 2 25
139 lifes short, have fun 1042
140 hour project 1 10
141 a strong gust of wind glitchcore ringtone 84
142 distortion 5/8 62
143 Sounds of Twilight 475
144 - blossom from no where 122
145 <3 - redguy remix 112
146 sad 7
147 Brazil 92
148 Cherry Soda Dreams 556
149 ethereal plane in the abyss (feat. palestinium) 206
150 one heisenburg challenge (un-finished) 97
151 sample world 1077
152 AK remix unfinished 47
153 Trying to Chiptune (Brother Remix) 71
154 sound 46
155 creepy thing 82
156 first song 220

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