• awesome


Total playing time: 5:38:04

All my top favorite tracks on audiotool put into one album. I tried to be varied. We start with trance and then transition to techno with andremoda's "Clubbing". House comes right after techno in Syntax's "Sequence I".

After house, we hear a little bit of archetech and heliotronic's genius. Infyuthsion's "Program 8" sets the transition from chillwave into chill. Garage comes after chill. We transition from garage to liquid dnb by Solace's "The Broken Draft" and liquid dnb to dark dnb by Anthony Bartone's "The Ghost Cat". Soon, we hear a neurofunk by CGman, then transition from neurofunk to glitch-hop with my own "I'm a Potato 2". A smooth transition is made from glitch hop to french house and then electro/complextro begins followed by a moombahton from Astrum. A rough transition from moombah to dubstep by Reversal and a transition from dubstep to drumstep occurs. Then, we get our final hardcore track by Firk: "That French Thing." Nostalgic and melodic tracks are at the end and the album ends with Western country. I might make a new album named "Legends Elite" which contains only my top ten tracks. If you feel like you should be on this, sorry if I didn't put you on it. I have these simple standards:

1. The track must be really really good.

2. The track must have my approval.

3. The track must have top quality production.

1 Hybrid 5332
2 The Knot at the Rope's End 1200
3 Space Clouds 1760
4 clubbing 7553
5 club AT 3247
6 Ghetto Blaster 9563
7 Brigidino Boogie 12315
8 Lenore 1982
9 Foolish Love - featuring Oedipax 4414
10 Cadmium Hotel 9650
11 Sequence I 2490
12 Iwi Biwi Back 1863
13 perfoliate 5293
14 Pulverossa 989
15 Cicadia 483
16 100% 1936
17 To Save Face 838
18 Danger Zone 722
19 Harmonious Chrome 482
20 Program 8 13669
21 Line ∞ 6257
22 festival 3844
23 sol solo 9398
24 Nullah 2285
25 Sayonara Days [Gone Bump] 2652
26 The Broken Draft 975
27 Technicolour 2175
28 Climax 4045
29 Summertide 811
30 1000 RUR 3607
31 The Ghost Cat 1109
32 REwind (Don't believe the hype) 6634
33 J 1538
34 Ømega 6310
35 Teqtoniq & ANK - Juxtaposition 1200
36 I'm a Potato 2 8688
37 Chill Penguins 7770
38 Magnetism 2509
39 Drowning 7072
40 This Is The Opposite Of A Problem 985
41 Mauritius 820
42 Make Me Feel 2532
43 Instantly 4613
44 Technofunk 8685
45 Maelstrom 4559
46 Cough Drop (Orignal Mix) 3711
47 Stare at the Sun 19058
48 Lowlife (Original Mix) 53727
49 Come Get Me 30380
50 Seven evil X'es 2676
51 BRING ON THE TRUMPETS! (Astrum Remix) 6873
52 The Slenderman 3503
53 Fractal 961
54 Gone (EP is up for download!) 38905
55 Almost to the Countdown 3419
56 Onslaught 2107
57 Delete You 1617
58 That french thing 3311
59 Did Someone Say Game Music? 13424
60 Concerning Hobbits (Hbeao Remix) 668
61 Jam and Toast 4211
62 Synthesizer Symphony 1st Mov. 6758
63 Western 1694
64 Obsidianschwarz - A Dragon Named Cuddlex 1146

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  • 57 artists...

  • I'd like to nominate Obsidianschwarz.

  • I've been looking to good music like this on at and now ive found it. danka

  • cheers bluedude, i'm always amazed that im put in with people like jonjon and astrum when i'm in an album, truly honoured!

  • After hearing some LIVE plays* whoops

  • Yeah. hehe I really didn't like it at first. After hearing some plays of that track, it got better and now it's one of my faves in this site.

  • hahahah you put club AT in it, thanks for that, really thin track,....should motivate to make better sounding remake somewhen ;-)

  • You forgot to add Otlichno

  • Total runnning time: 5:18:49, got enough tracks in there, haha. A lot of my favorites in this collection, I find it funny that you ended on my country and western experiment though. :)

  • Thanks bro.

  • @The Marquis I would've put more noraus, Tyburn, and Frigolito, too, but it would've been too much. I already put too much Astrum in the mix.

  • Lol Kepz it was hard to pick from your tracks. I chose voiceless because i remember it being one of my all time favorite tracks long time ago.

  • I would have put more CGman in there personally..he does kind of dominate neurofunk though :P

    I agree with most of this, and have some new stuff to listen to now as well..good choices.

  • great mix