My favorite dubstep tracks on Audiotool. Strictly FULL tracks (*coughcuddlexcough*) made on Audiotool (*coughGriffenEubankscough*) at about 140-150 bpm (*coughANKcough*) except Science Centre. The tracks are ordered from oldest to newest. I'll update whenever I hear an Audiotool dubstep track that I consider to be one of my absolute favorites.
I guess between a glacier and a spot of frost, the glacier is more frijid. I mean, glacier's are pretty damn big, while frost is usually just a thin covering of frijidness.
nah it's cool mang. all of these are great choices. you got some rusko shiet with that pilgrim, some melodic dope shit with the cuddlex, creepy dub with slenderman, etc.
Oh yeah I remember. I'll put it here. Something about the basses bothers me about it though. However, I love the drums in it. The same mindset was put into the track "Mamba". I don't like the basses in it that much but the reggae concept was awesome to me.