Edition Audiotool: Agrippa

Total playing time: 1:04:41

This week's Featured Artist @Agrippa compiled this great playlist. Be sure to check his feature on Facebook aswell:

01. Solaris by @cripta

"It’s called ‘Solaris’ and the image is from the 1972 Tarkovsky film. I’m sold."

02. Black by @DamnLullaby

"Fantastic sounds, and I love the progressions, especially in the first third."

03. Tonetics by @andremichelle

"Kind of hypnotic, very understated and with a lot of subtlety. Great track."

04. Infernal Loop by @Sharkyyo

"Great sounds on this track. It’s long one and a simple arrangement, but I think it really holds the attention."

05. You don’t know by @Shakey

"Another very accomplished track. The bluesy element of it kind of reminds me of Blade Runner a little bit."

06. Forever Love by @SANNGPROD

"I don’t know what the hell this is, but I think it’s superb. Really original, experimental, epic and very catchy."

07. Haemorrhage by @ trancefreak12

"Play loud – one of those tracks that really shows what Audiotool is capable of. Plus I have to include an Inavon track, as I almost always use one of the kick samples he’s shared."

08. Exordium by @ssagg

"A unique, inventive, self-indulgent track. Clearly a very exploratory piece. A great example of the variety present on Audiotool."

09. Die Ruhe nach dem Sturm by @Snadbrugen

"Amazingly accomplished, in terms of mood, this really does evoke acts like Harmonia for me – early to mid-70s German electronic. "

10. Mega Device Multiplied Amplified by @[pe]

"Really cool one. Simple but really driving. I love the droning bass."

Artits recommendation



11. 裏通り by @Jibanshi

"One of the most interesting artists on Audiotool in my view. His (or her?) music is really distinctive, enigmatic and very experimental."

Favorite track of my own

12. Blood Runs Cold by @Agrippa

"This is a fairly recent track. It’s an example of combining physical analogue synths with Audiotool’s effects and sequencing – with the most overtly analogue sound of all – the bassline – being supplemented by the Pulverisateur."

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  • i'm glad you included my track in your fantastic edition. thanks!

  • yeah great selection, and thanks for including me, tarkovksy rules man... i'm glad you appreciate :)

  • Thank you very much and congrats!!!

  • Congrats on the feature !

    Thank you very much for your attention to my work :)

  • Congratulations on the feature and thank you so much for including one of my tracks!

  • If you mean TF_Basskick then he hates it a lot! XD

  • Congrats for being featured and thanks a lot for adding one of my track along these great guys, i'm such honored!