Tearing through familiar highways. Diodes piercing like starlight. Impulse engines at maximum. SKUFF’s hands clutch the controls. G-forces pull at the chassis with each turn. A new consciousness has infiltrated the rave at the end of the world.
Fused cybernetics with pumping rhythm. Burning through limiters, engine lines glowing - molten red. Music, Ravers, and Pilot. Keeping pace with light until it's overtaken. Matter folds and collapses. Warping space-time and sound. The human form no longer seems to be sufficient. With every beat we grow more machine-like. With every break we crave singularity.
////// Meltdown \\\
[01] desire.
Pure XTC floods our mind. Stomping kicks lead us further and further down the spiral.
Desire for a new constitution of boundaries between organism and machine becomes unbearable.