• rock
  • fast
  • metal
  • album
  • edm
  • synth
  • rock
  • virux
  • synth
  • metal
  • the
  • weight
  • of
  • unseen
  • eyes

The Weight of Unseen Eyes

Total playing time: 0:35:59

After my last album, I was left struggling to figure out where I wanted to go with music. My love for dubstep and bass music was rapidly fading, and I felt like I was ripping off people with actual talent with my synthrock music. The Cost of Anger was quickly shat out along with a few extra tracks, but I was burnt out of music. The passion was gone. I took a long break, and really considered what music I had the most fun making. Music production is supposed to be fun.

Making the eleven (ish) tracks you see here was the most fun I've ever had producing music. They may not be mixed or mastered to a professional level, and some of them may not be arranged very well, but I've learned that that's just not the kind of producer I want to be.

I hope you enjoy these tracks, they are what I'm most proud of.


cover art by the amazing @radiameraki

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  • I loved reading your album description, that resonated with me. Now feel free to use this comment to remind me to check this out if I don't say anything about it soon lol