• hip
  • hop
  • hate
  • kid
  • ep
  • skull
  • collab.
  • †††

HA†E the EP

Total playing time: 1:37:19

Collab. EP, ALL are encouraged to join (any genre mix welcome as well) Details in original track.

1 Skull Kid - HA†E 3361
2 Hate (MCT Bootleg Drop) 571
3 Skull Kid - HA†E (FacebookFamouss Remix) 150
4 Skull Kid - HA†E (Dzool Remix) 77
5 Skull Kid - HA†E [Azzect Remix] 139
6 Skull Kid - HA†E (Frozenskull Remix) 211
7 HA†E (ATHEAT Remix) 174
8 Skull Kid - HATE (Kal-Kent Remix) 172
9 attempt 1 107
10 HA†E (Orchestrate Remix) 162
11 HA†E (udsinep remix) 171
12 Skull Kid - HA†E (Doberman remix) 140
13 Skull Kid - HA†E (Curly-Q's Remix) 79
14 HA†E (paolopalaciosonkrokodilremix) 86
15 Skull Kid - HA†E (CbU Beat Remix) 142
16 Skull Kid - HA†E (Quartz remix) in progress 114
17 Andy Remix - HA†E 101
18 Skull Kid + Pathfinder! - HA†E 203
19 HA†E-HOLA 48
20 humasigno - HATE 60
21 HA†E (Dj Suiths Pancake With Bacon Drumstep Remix) 139
22 Skull Kid - HA†E 39
23 HA†E (cyberprod remix) 814
24 HA†E (Wicked-Drumz-Remix) 125
25 Skull Kid - Hate (Prado Remix) 39
26 Skull Kid - HA†E 27
27 Humasigno - HA†E 54
28 Hate you go die! 33

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  • Some great stuff here !

  • Thing

    This is the longest ep I've ever seen...

  • Thanks again to everybody who entered into this and made it such a great project!!! <3

  • Man i just posted my version! hope you enjoy! its on your wall too!

  • Thanks for the recent fav's friends! :D

  • so is this just a do a remix and itll be put on here?


  • @Nineties Dude your deff welcome, that mix is tight! :D

    and then @MCT that would be sweet!!! Also i want to feature your Domus Project on my web site im finishing up so send me a link to it sir ;]

  • Maybe I'll do another on my @DOMUS account. A dancey remix?

  • Holy crap this is #1 on the Album Charts!!!!! ;D

    Thank you so much for this Honor, i Love you audiotool <333

  • well in this albun are a few tracks :D

  • my bad dude i didnt even notice that, ill add it now!-k :]

  • I cant get ether one from any track? I was thinkin that i would have to republish with mp3 open and then have everybody else republish with it open as well so i can get them...unless everyone just DLs it them selfs and sends it to me some how???