• beat
  • soul
  • rap
  • hip
  • hop
  • nova
  • melody
  • pop
  • two
  • tape
  • best
  • number
  • records
  • tracks
  • producer
  • nav

Nav from the Nova

Total playing time: 0:55:35

If there is a soundtrack on constant rotation in Space, I believe this is it. I take pride in the spacey sound/vibe I place on most of my tracks (hence my name) so I decided to put out a beat tape catering solely to that sound. I really hit a stride with this project and at this point, I can honestly and modestly say that I am one of the best Hip Hop/Rap/Pop producers on Audiotool (If you know of any contenders, please show me). I would not only like to compare my music to their's but also hear more tracks other than mine from the not so popular audiotool genres I make music within. All that being said, Every track is a piece of the story so listen straight through for the best experience. I greatly appreciate every listen. Enjoy, share, and feel free to comment.


1 Nav 1112
2 Vection 441
3 Danger 269
4 Demeanor 206
5 Pristine 217
6 There 179
7 Coast 259
8 Delve 160
9 Luci 147
10 Substance 109
11 Lost 205
12 The Slip 199
13 Engulfed 95
14 Nova 131

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  • @[Khář¡]' thanks, that means a lot man, I'm very proud of this project and the fact that it was able to resonate through all of audiotool the way it has, and my music is only getting better which is the surreal part.

  • This is probably the most successful audiotool album ever...

  • This has been charting for quite a while now.. Lol the most favorites my album ever got was 28. And it was just a bunch of songs that other people made...

  • @Zir0h I don't understand the question but I mean "Rap producer" as in I make "rap beats", not that I'm the best rapper on audiotool. Idk if that answers your question. Thanks for the compliment.

  • question, how can you say youre the best rap producer on audiotool? I have heard 0 raps by you, unless I've somehow missed them? Beats sound good though

  • dope work bro, you got talent my dude. keep it up.

  • This is really amazing. Check out my Album if you have spare time.

  • True beats and nice melody's. Very great work.....keep it up

  • simply great

  • will listen to the end=)