Hidden songs

Total playing time: 2:11:31
1 Shine (CeRo Remix) 319
2 Waterfall 343
3 FireWorks 298
4 10 Followers! 534
5 NewAge 248
6 25 followers ;-; 333
7 Ik what is chiptune(edit) 332
8 Interstellar 754
9 ForEver (50 follows ;-; Femix Romp) 476
10 Irreplaceable 493
11 Freedom 290
12 China 45
13 MultiPlexity 628
14 Miracles 451
15 if this was a edm contest i'd be top 10 683
16 PULVerization (read description.) 176
17 Disfigure - Blank (ER/Cero remake unfinished) 315
18 100 fo... fol... WAT (100 followers) 215
19 First time doing legit FutureBass 314
20 ZEN x CeRix - Aces (HomeOffice) 226
21 Walk Away(HOME OFFICE) 254
22 Music Tutorials Be like 263
23 Through the Clouds 133
24 Prism 81
25 WhiteLight ( HOME OFFICE ) 58
26 Aurum 250
27 Vortex 336
28 #heisgang remix chain 177
29 Failed 103
30 Comeback 248
31 Practicing My Drops 2 235
32 how my dubstep *YOY*'s are ( pls help ) 88
33 Blur - Cerix Remix (crap that rhymes) 73
34 ReUnion 83
35 Paradise 131
36 100 astrel fowwower thing (cerix's first try) 150
37 Test 1 22
38 Triago - 5th Boss's theme (DESC) 48
39 Test 2 46
40 Stranded 231
41 Amp Vs Cerix 233
42 AnyOne wanna collab? 109
43 How to Mix or not: EXAMPLES (desc) 48
44 Experiment Swing vs no swing 242
45 i was bored ok, (Tips?) 215
46 Remixing Bc Im bored 84

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