Shame what has become of this genre...

created 2022-11-29 by Ivory Tower

Sea Foam and the Wind made the song Forestronica, and it was so good and opened a door to such an interesting concept of music that the moderators decided to add a genre to Audiotool, which we now know as "Birdcore". Nowadays all that's posted on Birdcore are various random tunes that have nothing to do with bird songs or bird calls. The use of, imitation of, or inspiration drawn from birds is the defining feature of this genre, and I for one would like to see it remain so. No one posts their indie songs to the hardcore genre (I hope), so please don't do that here with non-bird-related music. I intend to release a birdcore song eventually, and it's a shame that it, and many others, will likely be lost in a sea of unrelated works.

Let's keep Audiotool the great platform that it is... and keep it neat and tidy while we are at it. Best regards, Ivory Tower

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  • I'm sure someone's going to point out that the "popular" tab is still very much bird related. I recognize this fact, but my 1st post refers to a lot of the more recent stuff being posted to birdcore. At the time of writing this, every song on the top 10 birdcore chart is completely unrelated to birds.

    • wait a minute, birdcore was already a genre before it got put on here, its meaningful music, like my Round 'A' Bout song.