• answered

Will Audiotool Ever Have a Simple Pitch changer?

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This isn't a request for a pitch changer, I'm just wondering if the AT team will ever add one. It seems like it would be very helpful and simple to use but I have no idea how tough it would be to add coding-side.

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  • probebaly not

    • that actually is a really good idea! but i think it will add more pressure to add a tone changer.

    • right

    • At the very least, it would be nice to have a device that shows the output note of a synth. For example: <closest note name>, <Hz>, (<Hz of closest note name>) or F#, 368.6, (369.9). It would help so much with tuning.

    1 more
  • I thought there was a pitch changer...

  • would be really nice. the closest you can get to it is using the rasselbock n adjusting some octaves but im not even sure if that works anymore.

  • It's definitely on the wish list