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Cooking with naswalt IV | Featuring Vulkron | Bass Music Basics

In the fourth episode of the "Cooking with Naswalt" tutorial series, naswalt teams up with none other than Audiotool EDM luminary Vulkron . Together, they guide you through the fundamentals of their bass music production techniques. Remix this lesson to get your hands on the exact tools they use here: cooking with naswalt: bass music interactive lesson'''

Enjoy this episode for some unique insights, and don't miss out on the other episodes for more audio culinary adventures and mystical alchemy!

Explore the series here:

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Team Picks: Staff's Stuff Albums

We are thrilled to launch a new season of the album series with Staff's Stuff 11, showcasing a curated selection of tracks handpicked by our team.

This collection features the favorite tunes of our dedicated staff, including admins, developers, and moderators.

Below, you'll find a recap of the first ten compilations plus the new one. Enjoy the music!

Episode 11 (NEW) 2023-11-15

Episode 10 2023-04-26

Episode 9 2023-03-22

Episode 8 2023-02-02

Episode 7 2017-11-24

Episode 6 2017-09-06

Episode 5 2017-08-02

Episode 4 2017-07-14

Episode 3 2017-06-28

Episode 2 2017-06-21

Episode 1 2017-06-14

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