AmpNova 100 Remix Comp Results

Total playing time: 0:21:20

Thank you so much for 100 followers everyone and thank you also if you entered my remix comp :D

Now here are the results:

(sorry for the complete lack of making any sense, and the results are down to my personal preference but I still liked all the entries :D)

1st $erious boi's entry

I really like what you did with the track and to be honest I just think its really cool, I like all the synths and percs in it and I just think its well put together :D

2nd Bi$hop Khalil

I think the whole track and the drop in it and the chord synths, aswell as the drum rolls were super neat, the only thing I would say is that the bass is really cool but it drains out the rest of the sound :)

3rd Balikna

Im not normally into more ambient type things but I found this really eerie/flowy if that makes sense (it probably doesnt but you know) and the begining sort of reminds me of minecraft IDK why xD

4th bias alias

I thought this entry was quite cool (sorry for the lack of adjectives) but yeah I really liked the synth that played the *countermelody*? and I thought the ending was really nice, plus the hi hats were *cool* and nice rasselblocc skills :D

5th Biological

In this entry I really liked all the different ideas and the stutter rasselbloccccc sections were quite cool, I think the reason this entry wasnt higher was because of the intro, which I just thought was out of tune but apart from that this was a nice entry :D

6th G3ar_bot

I think that the first half of this entry was banging and I liked the rain and the intro but I didnt really like the synth that played the melody in the second half *but that might just be me*. Also I liked how you just made everything that you didnt change sound neater? xD

7th forked

I liked the extension of the track, and thought that the changes you made did improve it but like you said you just made into a full song and didnt really remix it, (but its still really good!)

8th TheFourthDimensionalGamer

I liked the bass you added to the track I thought it sounded *sympas* (french for cool i think(Im sorry i just feel like ive said cool 10000 times)) and I like the changes to the chords you did halfway through the track, but I didnt think you changed enough :)

9th KermitTheFrog

What you did change sounded quite good, but I think only changin the melody synth, and some of the percs wasnt enough to place higher than the rest of the entries :)

Like I said thank you for entering my remix comp and I hope everyone has good fortune? :D

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